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Human-Animal Bond to strengthen the Globe.

by Momina Ahsan | 21-02-2022 01:08

    For the ages, humans have been sharing this planet with animals, with mutualism, beneficial and dynamic relationships. In the start, domesticated animals were the protectors of humankind from the wild beasts, in return, humans provided them shelter and good food. As time passed and the ice age melted down, the development at human ends enhanced the means of the human-animal bond and led it to the exploration of interventions new aims and conquered with the unimaginable things. From domesticating the wildlife creatures to opening new ways in the therapeutic conditions, human-animal love is impeccable. The birth of agriculture ended the traditional hunting and gathering of human sides and brought development to its highest means. In the 21st century, with the digital revolution, animals are contributing to reducing the impacts of materialistic lives to the minimum. Humans have explored the ways to use animals as therapeutic interventions that is to reduce anxiety, increase the stability of disabled persons, use them as the protectors of special children, increase the metabolism and digestion behavior of sick persons, and much more. From clinical trials to space projects to the usage of animals to treat sick persons by using the traits of loyalty, love, and integrity. Moreover, these interventions also gave birth to five freedoms maintenance for the survival of animals with reduced suffering. Moreover, the human-animal bond has also opened the ways to develop in farming, acquiring modern techniques for conception, copulation, and reproductive maintenance in animals for their continued survival. Thus, the human-animal bond has a marked impact on positive emotional, physiological and psychological interventions that is making mutualism grow for centuries.

    Human-Animal Interaction encompasses many aspects through the relationships that includes companion animals, emotionally supporting animals, domesticated animals, and any kind of Animal-Assisting interventions impacting the humans life by positive means. In recent studies, interacting with the animals has depicted to reduce the cortisol hormone (a stress related hormone) at a prominent rate and decreasing the blood pressure in certain cases. Further, it is also reported that human-animals bonding has a significant impact in enhancing the moods of living beings, reducing the loneliness and solitude negative emotions, help by increasing the feelings of social support, and boosting up the regulated mechanisms of the human body, thus impacting positive feedback on the body systems. That is the reason, human-animals bond has increased the livelihood means at human side, bringing new ways in medical, psychological and social security aspects. Through human-animal bond, we are opening new vista¡¯s and accelerating the projects that requires clinical trials. Moreover, by reducing the welfare compromising aspects and enhancing the methods of research, human-animals bond is providing a way to attain One health-one globe theory. It would not only help humans to live a happy life but this mutually beneficial relationship would help humans share this planet by keeping sustainability in actions. Thus, through One Health approach standards would be maintained while keeping economic, health and psychological integrity at the maximum.

    Until now, the UN has launched the slogan of the project ¡°zero by 30¡± based on the fact that rabies is rising with each passing day and must be eradicated from the globe through strenuous efforts. For this Trapping, Neutering and Rehabilitation has been considered the utmost efforts to vanquish the Human-Animal Bond. As per the recent research and ongoing efforts to make the veterinary research glow through proper care, use of 3R strategies that would emphasize the ethical dilemmas and the ways to create more awareness about the utilization of this precious bond. As per the strategies of 3R (reduction, replacement, and Refinement) until now the developed countries have uplifted the working modules, laws, and regulations of confining research around living beings. The impact of this contribution has reduced the brutal impacts on the voiceless creatures to too much extent but it must be enhanced in the developing countries, where the Human-animal bond is on the verge of destruction due to increased illiteracy, lavish ways of ignorance and to some extent, the cons of negative forces. Through this research, the importance of the human-animal bond would be emphasized by creating an environment of awareness among the lower masses. With the proper navigation, conduction of surveys, field notes, gatherings in the rural or tribal areas, breaking the myths related to keeping pets, and breaking the chain of quackery quashing the backward community would be kept on the front. This would enhance the breadth of working and increase the community's livelihood, thus, making it safe for the animals to survive. Moreover, the segregation of endangered species, making awareness regarding the zoonotic animal's carriers, and protecting the wildlife creatures would help the communities to thrive by uplifting the human-animal bond. As for medical research, through this niche, we can also impact the human sector and can rehabilitate different ailments using animals.