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3 Ways to Shop Sustainably

by Paisley Hansen | 18-02-2022 05:37

When it comes to seeking out products you want and are good for the environment, it can be tricky to know where to begin. There's no doubt that consumerism is a big part of life, but if you're one of the people out there who wants to make a positive stamp on the planet, then you may be thinking of ways you can put a focus on sustainable shopping.

More than ever before brands and companies are recognizing the need to focus on sustainability and the impact they have on life. If you're struggling with what your shopping should look like when it comes to thinking about sustainable living, then you're not alone. Luckily there are a few tips you can follow to help you stay on the right track to making a positive impact with your wallet purchases.

Switch Out Your Everyday Products

Some products need to be replaced more often than others. If it's time for you to get a new item, think about how you can reach for a replacement that fits your new sustainable goals. If you're needing a new vanilla lip balm, you can focus on purchasing a different brand that offers a paraben, phthalates, and gluten-free option. 

The goal should be to look for comparable items that are more environmentally friendly. The key will be to slow down and look at the ingredients or materials used in each item. It may take a little longer to find what you're looking for, but once you've found a brand you can trust, you can shop easier, quicker, and with ease, knowing you're buying products that align with your new values. 

Focus Your Mindset

It's easy to want to make a good impact on the environment but get distracted by the newest and latest exciting item that comes to market. It's no wonder people get distracted with what to purchase and what they want. Advertising meets you at almost every turn, especially with the ever-expanding technology and high-speed internet that makes connecting to your smartphone with the perfect ad a cinch. You can hardly turn a corner without an ad of some sort greeting you somewhere.

When you get the itch to make an impulse buy, slow down and think it through. Apply the mindset of how badly you want and need the item. Think of how long you will use the product and where it belongs. Ask yourself if this will be a fun item or a practical item? There's nothing wrong with making fun purchases, but being mindful of your purchases is where you want to focus. Mindful shopping is all about thinking about what you buy and making sure it aligns with your values and goals. Mindful shopping takes you from buying without a thought, to slowing down and making a purchase with meaning.

New Doesn't Mean Good

Sustainable shopping has a big focus on limiting the carbon footprint people leave behind. There can be a stigma when it comes to shopping, one that means getting new is better. However, focusing on shopping second-hand allows you to find items you need, such as clothing or furniture, typically at a better price point. You can obtain unique and fun items when you take to thrifting and that can make your shopping experience a more fun one. 

Thinking of the impact you leave behind takes a lot of mindful shopping, but when you shop second-hand, you're not contributing to an unhealthy production lifestyle, such as fast fashion. You can take an extra moment to enjoy what you're looking at when thrifting and know that you're improving the environment by recycling previously used items.

There's no doubt that shopping sustainably takes extra effort and focus, but when you're looking to change your mindset and lessen your carbon footprint, a little additional effort will go a long way in helping you meet your environmental goals. Focus on switching out your everyday items with more sustainable ones as your current products run or wear out. Shift your mindset to one of mindful shopping, and remember you can always shop second-hand. Doing these few things will keep you on track to meeting your goals.