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[Free topic] Just transition

by Seyi Jang | 03-02-2022 22:13

As climate change became the major social issue all over the world, countries are trying to put sanction on the harmful energy sources such as coal and methane, while encouraging companies and factories to use more and more renewable energy. Now the world is heading to a new dimension where we can fear less about crisis made by climate change and pollutions. We usually focus on the reduction of coal mines or nuclear power plants but don¡¯t pay attention to those who have to sacrifice during the procedure.

Just transition is all about the need of the government¡¯s intervention to those who have lost their jobs while the country is shifting toward a greener society. Started as one small labor union¡¯s demand, now it is a major issue to be considered when making policies and treaties. The just transition focuses on the fact that when the shift is made and the factories are closed, people who will be most influenced by it are low-income community. This makes the poor people resist the shift, making the government hard to continue eco-friendly policies.

While the term ¡®Just transition¡¯ doesn¡¯t have an exact and sole framework, the Climate Justice Alliance stated 8 main principle to consider during the just transition.
-Buen Vivir (¡¯living well¡¯ in Spanish)
-Meaningful work (transforming the country and the community in positive way)
-Self determination (everybody including the laborer themselves have to participate in the decision-making)
-Equitable redistribution of resources and power
-Regenerative ecological economy
-Respect of all culture and tradition during the process
-Solidarity between local to local, nation to nation and etc.
-Build what we need now (no delay of actions)

One example of the just transition happened in Rybnik, Poland. Rybnik is the largest coal producing region in the European Union. As the EU pushes the authorities to reduce coal mines, the residents in Rybnik faced a huge economic challenges. In Poland overall, the employment of the coal producing sector reduced by 75% during 15 years. In order to solve the problem and move to a sustainable country, Poland government, with the labor union, created a mining social package and privileges for the mining community which include economic aid for the families.

In my opinion, Just transition is a combination of the reality that laborers face and the sustainable goal that has to be made. In my home country, South Korea, just transition is less known and labor unions don¡¯t participate fully in the transition. There are even some labor unions demanding more coal-fired power plants for the economy. I hope all participants of the country cooperate together and make a remarkable and positive change.