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How To Become A Software Developer

by Paisley Hansen | 27-01-2022 10:01

Computers are a big industry these days. Lots of money is being made in this sector. This means that there's a high demand for tech jobs. With high demand and big money, tech workers can make lots of money too. This is one reason to get into software development. Other reasons are passion and talent. If you're lucky enough to like tech and be good at it, you should definitely try for this job. Here are some steps to take to become a software developer. 

What Software Developers Do

This job involves writing a lot of code. This is used to build different computer software. These programs can range from mobile apps to entire operating systems. To create the best product, a worker will need to know and do many things. They should first make sure that they know the clients' or users' needs. Then they'll make coding models that have them figure out what will work. Once the software is complete, they'll test and maintain it. Then, when the product comes out, they'll be upgrading it and fixing any problems it has. 

Choose Your Specific Industry

Figure out your end goal first. You can work in many different industries with these skills. There's medical, manufacturing, finance, insurance, and many more. Consider the pros and cons of each place. In some fields, you'll need to work in an office. Others allow you to do your tasks from home. The projects in some areas may need you to write more code than others. You may also need to learn some specialized skills. Choose the one that you can best handle. Then you can start learning. 

How To Gain Skills

You need knowledge and skills to work in this industry. You can get these skills in many different ways. Getting a degree is one option. It's not necessary, but it will likely net you the best opportunities. If you can't afford it, look into student loans. There are also many other ways to make yourself look impressive. Take courses in different programming languages such as Java or Python. Learn how to use the tools that developers often use, like SQL and Git. Some of these tools' manufacturers offer certifications that prove your proficiency in them. Get a few of them. Accumulating non-technical skills is a good idea too. Consider what else you'll need, like communication or creative skills. Learn them. 

Put Together Your Portfolio

Your resume should have more than just skills. You need projects to show your capability. These can come from many different sources. Making these projects yourself is one option. Take the field you want and consider what products they'll use. Create one that is relevant to the industry. If you need want to work in video games, make a video game. If you want to work in finance, make a financial app or program. These don't have to be very complicated. They just have to be enough to show your skill. Getting into internships or doing pro-bono work are other ideas. Put your best work out of these projects into a portfolio to show to potential employers as you apply. 

Join Some Tech Social Groups

Consider joining an online group for software developers. There are ones on different social media sites. You can probably also discover sites specifically for tech workers. Searching with your preferred search engine can probably lead you to these. Once you're in the group, you can ask questions and for advice. Networking is probably also an option. There are also in-person groups like clubs or classes. You can get much the same benefits here as with online groups. Look on sites like Meetup for ideas. 

Once you've done all of this, all you can do is apply. Follow the usual resume and interview procedures as other jobs. Prepare for any coding tests that potential employers might give you. Remember to also not be too hard on yourself as you fail and make mistakes. All you can do is your best.