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6 Tips To Fall Asleep Fast

by Paisley Hansen | 22-01-2022 12:21

The importance of sleep in anyone's wellness routine cannot be overstated. Yet many people struggle nightly with falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting enough restorative sleep. So what can you do to improve your sleep?

Here are six tips to help you fall asleep quickly and reliably each evening so you can be at your best during the day.

Limit Blue Light

Blue light is the light emitted by electronic devices like TVs, computers, tablets, and phones. It can interfere with your sleep by tricking your brain into believing it's daytime. This triggers your body's internal clock to tell your body that it's time to be awake. Clearly, this is not something you want to have happen at bedtime!

There are a few ways to ensure that blue light doesn't prevent you from getting some crucial shut-eye. The first is to simply turn off your devices between one and two hours before sleep. If this isn't a possibility for you for whatever reason, you can purchase glasses specifically designed to block blue light. Just remember to wear them if you need to use a computer during the evening hours.

Stick With a Routine

Having a regular bedtime routine can also help promote high quality sleep. If you're turning off your devices a couple hours before bed, consider picking up a physical book and reading a chapter or two instead. Take a soothing epsom salt bath and enjoy a cup of camomile tea before putting on a favorite pair of pajamas and snuggling under the covers. Certain supplements, as well as a high quality cannabis product or CBD oil found at your San Jose dispensary, can also help with sleep if taken before bed.

Also, keep in mind that choosing a consistent time for sleep each evening and sticking with it can help train your body to fall asleep on schedule. As tempting as it may be, staying up and sleeping in on weekends can be disruptive to your sleep on weekdays.

Avoid Caffeine and Other Sleep Disrupters

While you probably know not to chug coffee before hitting the sack, did you know that other foods and drinks can interfere with your sleep? Acidic foods, such as tomato sauces and citrus, can cause uncomfortable reflux or heartburn if you eat them shortly before lying down. Spicy and high-fat items can also make it difficult to sleep. And while that glass of wine may help you drift off to dreamland initially, alcohol can actually lead to multiple wake-ups throughout the night or generally unsettled sleep.

Prep Your Environment

Everyone differs slightly when it comes to an optimal environment for sleeping, but there are a few rules to keep in mind. In general, it's best to keep your bedroom cool but not cold — around 68 degrees tends to work well as a thermostat setting for sleep. Keep your sleeping area dark, and consider blackout curtains during the long days of summer, especially if your bedroom has windows that face toward the east. Keep furry friends out of your bed if they tend to move around a lot or make noise during the night.

Time Your Naps

Contrary to popular belief, a daytime nap doesn't have to ruin a good night's rest. In fact, napping during the day can improve mood, energy, and focus when timed correctly. The key is to avoid naps late in the afternoon or in the early evening, when your body is winding down for nighttime sleep. Try to get any naps in before about two o'clock in the afternoon to prevent sleep disruptions at night.

Get Enough Physical Activity

If you're not falling asleep easily at bedtime, it could be that you aren't getting enough physical activity during the day. Try adding an evening power walk or light workout at home to refresh your mind and tire your body. Getting outside on a sunny day can also help you fall asleep more quickly at night.

Sometimes sleep feels elusive. But these tips can help improve both the quantity and quality of your rest.