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[Theme of the month] December - Careers(Jobs) Related to Renewable Energy

by Joon Mentor | 02-12-2021 01:01

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Greetings to 27th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors! This is your mentor Joon and I am writing this article to announce the Theme of the Month for December succeeding November¡¯s topic, ¡®Air Pollution¡¯. The keyword for the fourth month will be <Careers(Jobs) Related to Renewable Energy>.

 Last month, ambassadors would have investigated about Air Pollution. Source and origin of air pollution might vary, but pollution made during the process of energy generation takes up huge part of it, especially in countries dependent to fossil fuels. Recognizing this reality, Republic of Korea has contingency plans activated in case of high concentration of fine dust, which halts operation of energy generation by fossil fuels. However, this is just a temporary measure and we need to solve the fundamental problem. To address so, different countries are now planning for a great transition from traditional source of energy to renewable one.

 Such plans require investment in massive scale, and investment on human resources is another crucial part. Investment on people such as those researching basis technology, those to maintenance infrastructures, and lastly, but not limited to, those to plan for effective placement of system are required. Different jobs are being, and will be created to support this industry.

 Now, think of yourself on the turning point deciding your future career. Which routes would you consider? Which route would you step into? Take your time investigating about possible careers related to renewable source of energy. Such profession might require further education, but there should be occupations that does not require deep understandings and expertise. Then, please share the decision you have made with background information about the occupation, how it is related to renewable energy, future careers, and reason for choosing it. Always feel free for extra elaboration so do not limit yourself on writing your report!

 If it is hard to think of one, take a general approach. Electric engineer could be one of the example. Though the profession is not directly related to researching fundamental principle behind renewable energy, knowledge related to power transmission and distribution is always required in this field. Also one may have various career options, apart from renewable energy industry, if the profession is chosen.

 Another example could be a policy maker working for government. Not a single project could start without approvals from administrative agency. Moreover, by choosing this occupation, one could decide the direction of country¡¯s stance for renewable energy.

Above are just simple suggestions which ambassadors could refer to. You may use the profession I have suggested or come up with your own to write your report. Recommended amount for an article is more than 3 paragraphs, and please cite the sources you have used if there are any references used.

You can refer to following links for brief information:

But feel free to refer to other sources as above is just a suggestion of possible source.

It was good to see articles with great efforts put on previous month. I hope to see more this month!

 Let¡¯s keep up!


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