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Keeping Seniors Healthy in Winter

by Carol Evenson | 18-11-2021 03:52

As the weather turns colder, it can become harder and harder for seniors to keep their health up. Things like illness, freezing temperatures, and poor nutrition can be health risks. Though this can be a potential problem for elderly folks, prevention is key. There are several steps you can take to keep your health up this winter. 

Staying Warm 

Perhaps the most obvious threat to your health during the winter is the cold. Once temperatures drop, your immune system gets weaker and can be more susceptible to illness. One way to prevent this is by bundling up! By wearing warm clothes, both indoors and out, you can help your immune system stay nice and strong. If you are going somewhere where you don't know how warm it'll be, layering will help you. If you keep the layers closer to your body light with the heavier items on the outside, you'll be able to take things off as you get too warm, thus staying at a comfortable temperature. 

When you're in your home, you probably won't want to be wearing a coat or heavy sweater around all the time. Of course, you could turn your heat way up so you're comfortable, but that can get pricey, especially if you live up north. One way to stay warm without running up your bills is with cozy blankets. Textiles such as flannel or fleece fabric can keep you warm and also look cute around your house when you're not using them. With the thicker fabrics in your blankets, you won't need to stay as layered up at home, leaving you much more comfortable. 


Another key factor in staying healthy this winter is keeping your nutrition complete. Much like when you get too cold, if there are gaps in your nutrition, your immune system will be weakened and vulnerable. Keeping your nutrition balanced and complete is incredibly important to your overall health. When you are planning your meals, be sure to include healthy fats, carbs, and proteins. Though many fad diets will try to pit you against this food or that type of macronutrient, there needs to be an even mix of everything. Without different types of nutrients, your body will not have enough fuel to keep it going. So make sure you get a good variety of everything on the food pyramid, including some sweets when you're craving them. 

Of course, no matter how healthy you eat, there will be some places where you need a little help filling in some gaps. Vitamins and supplements can target specific areas where you may not be getting as much nutrition. These are not as broad as eating clean, but will definitely boost your overall health. If you aren't sure where you may have gaps, multivitamins can give you a blanket boost of coverage to shore up your immune system all around. This will certainly keep you healthy this winter, but the benefits of clean eating will be with you in all seasons.  

Sickness Prevention

During winter, illnesses such as colds and the flu are flying around almost as much as the snow. For seniors, getting sick can be a serious problem. So how do you keep yourself safe? Aside from boosting your immunity with good nutrition, sanitizing is a huge help when it comes to preventing illness. By regularly wiping down surfaces that are touched often, you can minimize the number of germs that get spread into your space. 

Keeping your surfaces clean is one thing, but keeping yourself clean is another. There will always be some surfaces that you touch that haven't been properly sanitized or that are covered in those sickness-carrying germs. You can make it even less likely that they will harm you by washing your hands with antibacterial soap regularly. It only takes a little bit of time each day to help keep you safe and healthy this winter. 

Overall, though winter can be a little more dangerous for seniors, it isn't something to be afraid of. With a little time and preparation, you will be safe and comfortable all winter long.