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impact of urbanization on environment ( free report September)

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 05-10-2021 20:39

Increment in population, the number of cities, and movement of people from rural to urban areas are defined as urbanization. It has both positive and negative impacts on us.  Uncontrolled urbanization leads to environmental degradation. On the one hand, it will provide better health facilities, educational facilities, and environmental facilities. Land insecurity, reduction in water quality, air pollution, noise pollution, waste disposal are the major environmental problems caused by urbanization.

The major impacts of urbanization on the environment are given below.

1)      Air pollution

As the population grows, the development of industry and utilization of vehicles also increases. Different human activities, vehicles, industries emit a wide range of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead. These harmful gases gradually reduce air quality which will have a detrimental effect on health.


2)      Overexploitation of natural resources

The utilization of natural resources  ( water, energy, fossil fuel, forest products) is increased with high population density. People are using natural resources haphazardly to fulfill their needs and requirements.   The scarcity of natural resources is caused by excessive and improper usage of natural resources.


3)      Noise pollution

Automobiles, vehicles, industries produce huge noise pollution which causes psychological and physical ailments. 


4)      Management of solid waste

Large populations consume a large quantity of material which will produce a large amount of solid waste. Large amounts of solid waste are difficult to manage so people deposits waste either in landfills or water sources. Municipal waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste will produce a foul smell and poisonous gases.


5)      Degradation of water quality;

Due to a lack of solid waste management in the city, people throw rubbish into water sources. The mixing of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemical substances degrade water quality.



6)      Soil erosion

The rapid development of infrastructure and deforestation causes a high level of soil erosion and sedimentation in river channels.

7)      Biodiversity

Extinction of native species is occurred due to unmanaged industrial development.

Urbanization will destruct and modify the habitat of wildlife then reduces diversity of native species.


8)      Unusual Rise in Temperature

 The unplanned construction of large buildings in urban areas absorbs solar radiation and in the afternoon, these emit heat radiations increasing the climatic pressure.

9)      Deforestation

Forest trees are cut down to make way for buildings, agricultural land, and industry development.  Deforestation has an adverse impact on the environment such as reduction in water resources, habitat loss, global warming, etc.


The quality of the environment is degrading day by day due to urbanization. So, laws and regulations must be implemented to regulate uncontrolled urbanization.