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Thematic - Zero waste _ Learn before its too late

by Momina Ahsan | 30-09-2021 16:21

Climate Change affecting the Globe

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is something that makes the beauty of Earth at risk. The areas like beautiful meadows,the snowfalls, the green lands and the oceans all are at the risk of Climate Actions. Why people should pay attention to it? As we all are aware,Out of 8 planets and a big universe out there,only Earth is suitable for Life. Either its about oxygen making the lives thrive or about the other resources making the life better,its the duty of inhabitants of Earth to pay attention to their homeland on the risk of climate changes by the human actions. According to most recent Global Climate Risk Index analyses from 1998-2017, countries like Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka as well as Dominica are at the top affected by Climate Changes. Same is the Case with Honduras and Myanmar ranking highest.

    Its the hour of need to consider the threats and effects by the actions of humans on climate. Changes like Emergence of Large scale environmental hazards i-e ozone depletion, extreme weather conditions, increased danger if wildland fire or the loss of biodiversity. They all are looking towards us for mercy. The acts we do without considering its good or bad, leave an impact on the land Earth.

How it has affected Faisalabad?

      The little Manchester of Pakistan is on the brink of Climate Changes Disasters by the plight of urbanization. Climate changes has affected this area with the spreading and outbreak of diseases. Hospitals seems to be brimmed with diseased patients with deadly diseases. Almost 74,000 people in Faisalabad Git affected with Hepatitis B. Its all due to the changes our Earth us facing due to our acts. In 2019,Aug 1 Change if season lead to viral outbreak where 7 children hugged death due to Chicken pox. This area us known as Manchester due to Industrialization. When the smoke and waste if industries mixes with air, it makes environment collapse. People are becoming more threatened by depression, high blood pressure and diseases like lungs infection. The aggravation of vehicles,the advancement in industries but low preventions taken has made this area alarmed due to climate changes. To write up with gloominess and ache in heart, Faisalabad has been found most polluted city of the Pakistan. One of the most powerful and important city of fabrics is on the brink of destruction.

The worst Conditions prevail in rural areas where awareness us less and industries are along with them. People use the drink the impure water from nearby factories water plants mixed with sewage water and the smoke of factories. They breathe in the sane air where prevails the waste polluted smoke

     Everyone is aware of the facts yet no proper measures are taken. Garbage,Air pollution,noise,urbanisation or water pollution all are taking the lives on the brink of destruction. We have top check out where and which waste is contributing to create destruction.. steps taken for the survival and zero waste would bring the sustainability using 3R strategy,


What are Alternatives?


   Alternatives to be used must be Catalytic convertor on top of list. It will help reducing air pollution. The vehicle owners must be strictly  asked to follow this rule.

Moreover, usage of paper instead of plastic should be promoted.

Factories must be constructed far away from the residencies. It will help us in reducing health issues. Moreover, promoting filter plants for water should be promoted to combat the water pollution.


These alternatives may lead us to bring back beauty of Earth.


Do little,but do steadily it will help you achieve more.


Let's take oath to bring back,

Beauty of Earth,

Beauty of Land,

Calling for help,

Looking for mercy,

Let's make Earth,

The best Planet


 Momina Ahsan