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Ready for an Eco-Friendlier Home? Here's Where To Begin

by Carol Evenson | 29-09-2021 02:33

When you think about the various products you use each day, whether they're for personal care or around the home, would you say they're eco-friendly? Maybe you know they aren't, maybe you're not sure, or maybe you're not sure where to begin to make changes. 

Fortunately, swapping out your everyday products for eco-friendly options has become more attainable than ever. Almost everywhere you look, you're bound to find greener substitutes. However, it's also easy to become overwhelmed. For some inspiration, here are a few common locations in your home where you should begin the transition. The best part? It's so simple that you probably won't even skip a beat in your regular routine. 

From the Vanity and Bath

Have you taken inventory of your personal care product lineup lately? If you haven't, now's the perfect time to do so. Chances are good you have at least a couple of things worthy of swapping out. 

While there are many factors you can focus on, starting with the most obvious will be helpful — cutting down on single-use plastic. Think bottles of body lotion, shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Start by doing some research to see which companies are of an eco-friendly mindset, offering recycling programs or producing items that are easily recycled when empty. Once you do that, swapping out your body cream or shampoo will be a simpler process.

Also, don't forget about going plastic-free altogether for products such as shampoo and conditioner by switching to bar form, or swapping your face wash for a cleansing bar. 

From the Kitchen

The kitchen is a busy place. It's where meals are prepared and enjoyed, lunches are packed, snacks are put together and food is stored. It's also where there can be an incredible amount of waste produced; a culmination of discarded wrappers, boxes and bags; paper towels, napkins and plastic bags. 

While it might seem that all of this is unavoidable, know that it's not. However, it can also be one of the more challenging places to make changes simply from a convenience standpoint. That's why it's important to think and start small because even the little changes can make a big difference.

Starting with the obvious will help here. Do you use plastic baggies for everything? Do you reach for a paper towel more often than you probably need to? Do you use disposable napkins even though you have a drawer full of cloth ones? Do you purchase foods and drinks that come in wasteful packaging?

Try picking one or two things and focusing on them as a start, such as reusable food storage bags or reducing the number of prepared grocery items or individually bottled beverages you purchase. 

From the Cleaning Cabinet 

Keeping your home clean shouldn't mean replacing dirt and grime with toxic fumes that are harmful to both you and the environment. Taking steps to make your cleaning routine more eco-friendly is simple, so get right to it. 

There are many options for making changes to the products you use. First, you need to know what to look for in anything new you purchase. You can also explore the world of making your own eco-friendly cleaning products at home, using ingredients you probably already have on hand.

Don't forget to check in on your laundry and dishwasher detergents, replacing them with eco-friendly options as well. While it might be tough to veer away from heavily scented detergents or super strength disinfecting dish soap, remember that there are countless benefits of making the switch. 

Creating an eco-friendlier lifestyle at home is not only possible, but it's also easier than you might think. What's great about making these changes is that they not only benefit the environment but your family's health as well. Starting small will help you gain momentum to making changes across the board and doing research along the way will ensure you're making informed decisions. 

The question is — where will you begin on your journey to becoming more eco-friendly?