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Thematic report (Zero waste)

by Roselyne Awiti | 25-09-2021 17:20

Living in an environment free from waste looks so good. An environment where you are not afraid of the air you breath, the water and the foods you consume. I mean an area free from land pollution mainly resulting from improper disposal of solid wastes, water pollution and even air pollution  which  all result from the waste we throw/emit. It seems so good, right? However, achieving this is  in my country is an elephant task taking into account individuals' attitude  but it is possible.
Recently, I posted a question on my Whatsapp status in an attempt to know my contacts attitude towards achieving zero waste.The question read, " Come to think of this,what if we live in an environment free from any kind of pollution? How would life be?" 
There were mixed reactions but a majority proved to like their sorroundings polluted.
That got me thinking and for a reason enhanced my understanding as to why people behave the way they do with the wastes they produce. 
Walking into the markets and seeing sellers dump  wastes in a bushy area or besides the road is normal and seeing somebody throw a packet of milk, biscuits or even a packet of sweets besides the road is nothing to make noise about.
Unfortunately, this has become so normal that if somebody spot you carrying your litter to the dustbin they either think you're from another country where that is the norm or you are just too good to be true.
But then, how can I stop this? I sat down and after a long thought came up with a campaign entitled "My waste My responsibility". In this campaign, I mainly tell individuals that they are responsible for the wastes they produce and therefore must ensure proper disposal of them. The campaign is also changing their perception that proper waste disposable is their duty and not the  work of the Government( through their employed staffs) as they have always believed.
Secondly, through the Reduce,Reuse, Recycle, Refuse and Rot waste management methods, it is easier now to educate individuals on the proper waste disposal to ensure a clean environment which is beneficial to them. For example, discouraging the use of plastic papers which are non biodegradable and recycling some products which if thrown dirtifies our environment is one of the measures I highly encourage members of my country to practice.
Lastly, information is power and therefore creating awareness on why we need to live in an environment free from waste will undoubtedly bring a positive feedback towards achieving that. This is the most powerful tool am using in my campaigns.
In conclusion, the zero waste campaign is bearing fruits and I hope to have positive results in few months or years to come