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[Thematic Report] Zero Waste

by Nadir Huseynov | 21-09-2021 00:30

One of the things we know for sure is that we use more materials and make new everyday objects at a faster pace than ever before, instead of reusing or capitalizing on them.
As a result, we face many challenges, such as air, water and soil pollution, landfill saturation and depletion of raw materials.
The Zero Waste concept aims to ensure that no waste reaches the landfill and the reuse of materials we already have in circulation to produce new objects we need.
The consumer's top priorities should be avoidance of packaging waste generation, followed by, reuse of packaging left over from consumption, and as a last resort should, we resort to recycling.
The degree of recycling in Romania at the moment is at alarming levels. At national level, only 14% of the waste generated is recycled, and in the capital of the 11.1 million tons of waste, only 9% is recycled.Zero Waste is a concept with the main purpose of waste disposal.It is an initiative to encourage individuals and businesses to stop all valuable resources going to landfills / landfills or incinerators by finding ways to keep them in circulation.
In order for this concept - Zero Waste - to be widely realized, it must be adopted both in the industrial production phase and by consumers. Manufacturers need to rethink procedures, products and packaging in order to recover used materials instead of raw materials. On the other hand, consumers need to make a change and buy organic, "green" products and reduce their consumption.A large part of consumer products come packaged in plastic, plastic a material that has a life of hundreds of years once sent to the landfill.
In order to reduce plastic pollution that affects the entire ecosystem, it is advisable to avoid buying it from the shelf. Thus, the July without Plastic movement, an international movement that gathers 250 million participants annually from 177 countries, aims to avoid the generation of plastic waste throughout the month.