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Gradual Changes You Can Make To Be More Environmentally Friendly

by Paisley Hansen | 18-09-2021 16:50

Hearing about the climate crisis in the news can be distressing at the best of times, but trying to make a difference can feel futile. While it's true that big corporations are responsible for the majority of the damage to the planet, individuals are not completely helpless. Don't worry about changing everything at once, and instead focus on small changes that can add up over time. Here are a few ideas you can use to get started.

Shop Sustainably

When you go to the grocery store, you can't take a step without seeing some kind of plastic packaging. Avoid excessive plastics where you can, and bring reusable shopping bags to further cut down on waste. As a bonus, it just so happens that eating healthier can often help you shop more sustainably. Fresh produce tends to require less packaging, and shopping local and in season can help cut down on packaging and transportation costs. Plus, when you prioritize your health, you may find that other costs in your life decrease, like your online health insurance quotes.


Many families throw out untold bags of garbage each year, but there are ways to cut back. If you have items you don't need anymore but feel bad about tossing, donate them instead. Even imperfect items can still have a second life. Check with your crafty friends who may want to use your worn clothes for scrap fabric, or use broken electronics in their latest sculptures. Some items, like wooden furniture, can be easily repaired by those who have the right equipment, and plenty of hobbyists out there will be happy to take such items off your hands. 

Embrace Used

Before buying new items, especially ones that aren't great for the environment, see if you can find those items used. You can ask friends and family to call you before getting rid of certain items, and you may be able to score them for cheap or even free. Plus, thrifting can be a fun and addicting hobby. You never know what you'll find, so each score is exciting.

Switch Out Tech

Your home is likely more wasteful than you'd like to think. Every time you leave a light on, or keep your thermostat cranked when you're away, you're wasting energy. If you haven't had your roof looked at or your windows replaced, you could be leaking hot air in the winter and cool air in the summer, making your HVAC system work harder and cost you more with no benefit. You can solve some of these problems by upgrading your technology. When your next lightbulb burns out, switch to LED. When your thermostat breaks, switch to a smart thermostat you can control from your phone. 

Update Your Transportation

Driving everywhere, especially when you're by yourself, can produce a lot of unnecessary pollution. You don't necessarily have to get rid of your car, but you may want to reconsider how you use it. Try biking or walking more, carpool with friends, and consider delivery options for things like groceries. One car hopping from house to house is better than twenty families loading up for the store.

Trying to help the environment can feel disheartening at times, but you can make a very real impact with a little dedication. By starting small and slowly adjusting your lifestyle, you can create habits you're proud of.