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6 Ways Companies Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

by Paisley Hansen | 13-09-2021 14:28

Many companies are driven by their profit margins rather than the effect their services, products, and everyday activities have on the environment, but this does not have to be the norm. Businesses can easily prioritize reducing their carbon footprint by making changes to how they conduct business. A company's high profits and dedication to reducing its carbon footprint do not need to be mutually exclusive. 

1. Invest In Renewable Energy

Rather than focusing on utilizing finite resources to fuel your business, research and invest in solar and wind energy. You can invest in solar panels which are not only good for the environment but can also save your company money over time. You also have the option to rent this equipment if buying is not economical. Many energy companies even offer lucrative plans specifically for those who invest in solar or wind energy. If this is not a possibility because your office or factory is already on an established power grid that does not offer plans for the use of solar panels, consider other green options for your space. You can transition to high-efficiency lighting and create a policy that all machines are powered down when not in use.

2. Buy Green Appliances 

Because of the concerns that many appliances raise when considering how they negatively affect your company's carbon footprint, researching and buying green appliances can greatly impact your overall effect on the environment. Consider investing in a rugged laptop and eco-friendly refrigerators that do not leave as large of an impact on the world around you. Even something as small as changing old light bulbs for energy-efficient lightbulbs can make a huge difference depending on the size of your space. 

3. Prioritize the Three R's 

Remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce your consumption in the office by opting for companies that prioritize minimizing their waste when stocking your space. Consider opting for recyclable materials in your office or factory. Also, buy from companies that do the same or use products that are created from recycled materials. You can also encourage employees as well as your consumers to reuse your shipping materials or if your product can be reused, use it as an advertising point. The possibilities to utilize the three r's in your business are only limited by your own creativity. 

4. Be Aware of Food Waste

Reducing food waste can apply to any business that hosts functions or has a lunch area. At a lot of company events, food is provided, and almost certainly there will be some leftovers. Be aware that simply throwing this food away can be a huge waste. You can start a company compost for such events and for employees to contribute daily if they have any waste from their lunches. Also, opting to support local businesses can help cut down on food waste associated with large corporations and transportation waste. 

5. Consider Electric Cars

If your company utilizes a fleet of company cars, you can opt for electric cars in order to cut down on pollution associated with gas-powered vehicles. This is something that national corporations are starting to do because it has such a huge impact on reducing carbon emissions. If your company does not utilize company cars, you can always offer your employees incentives to invest in their own electric vehicles. 

6. Donate to Organizations Dedicated to the Environment and Support Local Policies

Your company can prioritize supporting organizations that work towards reducing carbon emissions by offering volunteer opportunities for your employees to partake in. You can also donate monetary funds to the organizations so they can attract skilled workers and pay for overhead costs. 

As a business you also have a voice: you can support local policies that create tangible change concerning carbon emissions. By supporting local initiatives, you also encourage your employees and consumers to do so in their personal lives. 


Reducing your company's carbon footprint starts with just one change. Once you've started the process, it can become easier to add more and more changes that can really affect your carbon footprint.