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[Thematic Report] The Eco-friendly Future

by SSENYANGE APOLLO | 28-08-2021 20:19

With the climatic consequences affecting every sphere of our lives, it is inevitable to think of how to ensure a better and eco friendly future. 

Quite often when we talk about the climatic problems, we rush in putting the blame on factories and industries while sidestepping our own short comings. In fact, it is our way of life that inspires these big factories to continue with what they do. Talk about those manufacturing the polythene bags, they keep doing so because the polythene demand is high. 

Hence, the decisions we make in our lives, on a daily basis, affect the environment, climate and other species. The number of children we choose to have, how we build our houses, the type of food we consume and how we cook it, all have environmental impacts. It's therefore upon each one of us to make those small adjustments in our daily lives which will eventually sum up to be effective. 

Firstly, one should avoid wasting food. Alot of food is wasted globally which neglects the natural resources that went into producing it. Humans have to choose to plan their shopping, and shop smart. Reducing on meat consumption is also very helpful as meat production is environmentally unfriendly. It involves using alot of water, brings about pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. 

Secondly, the best way to conserve the environment is by reusing. There are so many things in our lives that we can reuse, but we end up using them once. I am on the thinking that plastic wouldn't be this much, had the masses embraced reusing. Reusing lowers the demand of materials, reducing their amount in the environment and the negative effects of there manufacturing processes. One thing we should know for sure is that every product has an environmental foot print, from its manufacturing to its usage. We ought to think whether we really need, not 'want', that product before purchasing it. And if one indeed needs the product, let him or her choose that one that has environmental benefits like energy efficient appliances and refrigerators. 

Thirdly, embracing modern technology is key in making an eco friendly future. Instead of using paper to produce magazines and newspapers, e-magazines and newsletters over the internet would help save a great deal of trees. Green architecture has also stood out in answering the settlement demands as the human population grows. Having plants on, in or around our buildings or compounds appreciably contributes to the environmental solution. In our modes of transportation, we should consider driving less and driving green. Bicycles are a very beneficial mode of transportation to both the environment and human, why not chose it whenever possible? 

Embracing solar energy and other friendly energy sources like Hydro electric power is another step in ensuring an eco friendly future. In poor countries especially in Africa, trees are cut down for firewood which not only reduces these carbon absorbers but also emits carbon during firewood usage. 

Lastly, let's choose to have a smaller family. The more the population grows, the higher the demands for food, settlement area, water and energy which of course pushes the other spices to the margin. With a reasonable family size and population, it will be abit easier to fight poverty and overcrowding thereby improving the standards of living. This will enable plants, animals and other ecosystems to thrive. We will hear less of 'endangered' and 'extinction'.