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Assessment on ¡°Eco Literacy Project¡±

by Sandhya Adhikari | 20-08-2021 03:48

Wow, see how fast times flew away, it has already been a 6 month and now we are on the last month of our 26th term Ambassadorship. The journey was absolutely so inspiring and fruitful. Thanks to our mentors Debbie, Mentor Yuseon and Tunza Eco Generation for guiding us so genuinely these 6 month. It is so proud moment for me too that I am successfully going to complete my 4th term at Tunza Eco Generation and applied for extending my term as 27th Ambassador . It has been 3 year that I had been enrolled at this platform. This platform nurtured, shaped and helped me to grow. I got to know and learn much from my fellow ambassador and I heart fully thank and congratulate them for working so hard to make some difference in their region.
In between these 2 and half year I had successfully conducted various online and offline campaigns individually and with joint collaboration in my Community and Country which actually build strong confidence on me, inspired me to fulfill my responsibility. Some of my  campaigns were ¡°Transforming science education through the use of frugal science¡±, ¡° Community Awareness campaign on Dengue epidemics¡±, ¡°Organized Junk Art Competition¡±, ¡°Green Project at my village that includes eco literacy campaign to the school children through competition, eco motivation and presentation¡±, ¡°Online Poster competition on climate change¡±, ¡°Vermi composting and Biofertilizer trainings¡¯, ¡°Online Quiz, Riddles competitions¡±, ¡°Mass cleanliness and Demonstration Of Waste segregation method¡±, More than 5 online awareness programmes like Awareness on Ozone layer Depletion through podcast and poster¡±, Celebration of Earth hour and Overshoot day with friends and family, Online Idea Sharing campaign on Environment Crises, ¡°Awareness campaign on Migratory Birds¡±, ¡°Campaign: Lets Hear from You¡±, ¡°All Nepal Plantation Projects on the occasion of World Environment Day 2020 and succeed to plant at more than 33 district of the Country¡±, ¡°Collaborated with National and International Organization representing Tunza Eco Generation¡±, organized Provincial youth conference as an organizing Team, ¡° Organizer team of First Mega Hult Event at my Universities¡±, ¡°Educational Webinar series on the various agriculture practices¡±. These are some successful campaigns of mine till date as an ambassador, and now I had hosted a recent campaign since a month that  is ¡°Green Month Campaign: Online Awareness Campaign on Plastics Pollution ¡°. In this campaign I had shared poster related to plastic pollution in the Gallery section of Tunza Eco Generation. All together 26 posters has been released. This campaign was carried out by Regional Ambassador Asia Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal With the aim to celebrate green month ( Shrawan) with some environmental literacy programme and disseminate environment related issue to the wider audience.
At the very first week, I had share some general information about the plastics pollution its causes, effect and how it is interacting with the marine eco system and creating the environment unfavorable for maintaining their population, the pollution and its effect on the various components. Similarly at the second week (8 to 16 days), I had prepared some data and some facts related to the plastics pollution on the ocean. Similarly from (16 to 24 days) I had presented with some possible solution that the individual can carry out for the reduction of the plastics pollution, how the individual action can create ripple effect and reduce the pollution below the threshold level. On the last week I had presented some possible idea that I had applied, my own efforts to minimize the plastics pollution.

Some recommendation for reducing plastics pollution in nature:
1.     Make a Plan ahead. Always Keep a water bottle or reusable coffee mug with you, have your own utensils for on-the-go meals, and carry a reusable shopping bag.
2.     Make a habit of donating unwanted plastic items such as furniture and dishware to local charities, or offer them online to your local free cycle program, instead of trashing them.
3.     Use and reuse plastic as long as you can, then get creative and reuse it for something else.

4.     Advocate for change. Support companies that are working to solve the plastics crisis. Petition your local government for better recycling capabilities, strict regulations on waste disposal, and initiatives to cut plastic use.
To sum up, while plastic has many valuable uses, made our life comfortable and we have become addicted to single-use or disposable plastic — with severe environmental consequences. So its very difficult to give up so quickly but rather we can have various alternative practices and ways for the reduction of the plastics pollution.

Here I had presented link of some of my programmes that I had organized and hosted for my ¡°Eco Literacy Project¡±

1.     transforming Science Education: Foldscope an origami 1$ paper microscope
2.     Youth and Environment
3.     Awareness Campaign to my local children and sharing Tunza
4.     My step for the global movement; Experiencing through WORKING
5.     My efforts to reuse the Plastics at Exhibition
6.     Tunza on my village: Power of words
7.     Training and Demonstration of Vermicomposting and Bio Fertilizers to the farmers
8.     Art with surrounding: spread love for nature
9.     Be the change, Inspire the change and implement the change
10.                       Eco Promises
11.                       Earth Day 2020 : A simple gesture by Eco Ambassador from Nepal
12.                       "Time for Nature: one person one plant"- WED 2020
13.                       Online poster Competition" for climate Action
14.                       Fortnight Green Quiz
15.                       Analysis of plantation campaign, June 5 2020 by GIS
16.                       Weekly online Riddles: Lets Know more about Environmental components and Overview of Online Riddles
17.                       Tunza Eco Generation at National Youth Conference and Overview
18.                       Provincial Youth Conference 2020,
19.                       World Climate Summit 2020
20.                       World Ozone Day 2020
21.                       Assessment of the mass cleanliness, awareness campaigns at IAAS Paklihawa
22.                       Medicinal plant Series
23.                       Impact assessment of the cleanliness campaign
24.                       Assessment and Winner announcement of Online Fortnight Green Quiz
25.                       Awareness Campaign on Migratory Birds at World Migratory Bird DAy
26.                        World Environment Day 2021: Restore Ecosystem
27.                       Let's Hear from you campaign: We are the part of Solution #fornature
28.                       Celebrating Green Month with Online Awareness Campaign on Plastic Pollution
29.                       Earth hour 2021
30.                       Earth Day 2020 A Campaign for Climate Action
 (PS: For more poster please visit Gallery Section and I apologize for not updating earlier as i am stuck with my final examination of this semester)