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Recommend Meena Pandey as the Most Inspirational Ambassador of 26th term

by Meena Pandey | 21-08-2021 19:02

How fast the time flies, look it has been six been six months working as 26th eco- generation regional ambassador. As I get involved in this platform, I am engulfed deeper to work for the betterment of environment. Here, I have presented my campaigns during my 6 months¡¯ tenure.

I am Ms. Meena Pandey from Nepal and the ambassador for Asia. Taking this opportunity, I would like to request you to recommend me as the ¡®The most inspirational ambassador of the 26th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors¡¯.

Sample of Recommendation: 
Meena Pandey is involved in non-governmental agencies creating awareness on having a peaceful environment. She is involved in projects such as planting of trees, use of 3Rs. Recently she conducted ¡®Gift a plant to the Mother Earth¡¯ campaign which was such a huge project, by seeing her passionate activities in the environment she has inspired so many young minds towards conserving the environment. She has been very much devoted and her reports were also relevant, awaring and recommendable. I therefore recommend Meena Pandey as the most inspirational 26th Eco-generation regional Ambassador. I hope selecting or judging panel will make wise decision on having her as the most inspirational ambassador. Other programs she has done are Zero waste campaign, One day webinar, Virtual conference on Small Mammals, Eco hub online magazine, etc.


Below are some of the activities done by myself in past 6 six month as the 26th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador. However, you can see my activities in 24th and 25th ambassadorship.

-At 26th Ambassadorship Tenure- 

1) Release of COVID awareness related videos:
Nepal was reeling from the second wave of COVID-19 in Nepal started from mid-April 2021 and the daily infection rate has intensely increased to almost 10,000 persons per day from 300+ person per day within a month. I conducted this campaign so as to strongly urge others to stay safe, adopt safety measures and indulge yourselves to unfold your passion in those lockdown days. The main objective of the campaign was to convey the message to stay safe, adopt safety measures and indulge others to unfold your passion in the lockdown days.

2)  Organized Pictoword Puzzle series up to series III:

With collaboration with other Tunza Eco-generation Regional Ambassador for Nepal, Ms. Binita Suwal, Mr. Alok Dhakal, Ms. Dolma Diki Sherpa, we organized a thrilling game to entertain eco lover. Here we presented the pictures and others had to guess the word for it. We were told it was quite interesting, took little time leaving out of curiosity and exhilarating on participants.

We were overwhelmed to get 77 participants on our Pictoword Puzzle#1. The participants included participants from Nepal (n= 63), India (n= 3), Bangladesh(n=7), Korea (n=1), Lebanon (n=1), US (n=1) and Zambia (n=1). It was hard for us to decide winner with many of participants with correct answers and way they have put forward their view to the short question attached. And the winner of Pictoword Puzzle#1 was ¡®Ms. Barsha Bista¡¯. On the basis of the short questions attached after each puzzle, we assessed the existing environmental problem of different countries of the world and presented as a report in Tunza Website.

Based on the correctness of the puzzle and response to attached short questions, we declared Mr. Kaushal Niraula as the winner of pictoword puzzle series#2. Altogether we collected more than 150 amazing responses in the whole 3 series. We were really overwhelmed with the response we got and of course, with answers given by the responders. For the last series, we had Ms. Sahista Thapa as the winner.

3) Review paper published on Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture: 
An Approach for Making Agriculture Greener and Productive¡¯ My review paper on ¡®Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture: An Approach for Making Agriculture Greener and Productive¡¯ was published under Journal of Nepal Agriculture Research Council. The paper was published after rigorous peer review by multiple set of reviewers. The paper work was completed on 11 August, 2020 and the comments of the reviewers was addressed on 13 March, 2021, and paper was published on 10 April, 2021.

Sustainable intensification of agriculture is a good approach for reducing the yield gap without exacerbating the current condition of the environmental components, which is a big challenge for agriculture in the modern world. This review provides a summary of the role and approaches of sustainable intensification in agriculture which offer ways to increase crop production and create long-term sustainability in agriculture production. New scientific techniques in agronomic practices, as well as improved farm mechanization, are helping to boost resource use efficiency in sustainable crop production. The sustainable agricultural intensification is necessary to increase the agricultural productivity under the changing and adverse climatic conditions while maintaining healthy production practices.



 Being Tunza Eco- Generation Regional Ambassador to Asia and I was eager to hear others concept of Zero Waste lifestyle and share it with others so that they can apply it in their daily life. A small act of change can be the way to a big revolution. So, we urged others to share one or multiple zero-waste lifestyles. I reached as many people as I can.
I presented others zero waste lifestyle in official facebook page of Tunza Eco-netwok, Nepal and also gallery session of Tunza.

5) Campaign on awareness on the importance of biodiversity to the children 
On the occasion of International day for biological diversity, we could not execute our plan for ¡®International day for biological diversity¡¯, 2021 as anticipated due to the imposed lockdown. So, I elucidated the importance of Biodiversity to the children in the flats of my home in regard of this day. Biodiversity is the cornerstone upon which we can rebuild better, from nature-based solutions to climate, health, food and water protection, and sustainable livelihoods The theme of International day for biological diversity, 2021 is "We're part of the solution #ForNature". I tried my best to light upon the importance of biodiversity in the human existence to them. They made pledge to safeguard the environmental components. I also made videos on importances of biodiversity in the official facebook page of Tunza Eco-network.

6) Webinar On ¡®Eco-Friendly Measures to Safeguard Wildlife Corridors¡¯ 

In this havoc of second wave of COVID 19 in Nepal, we were under lockdown. So, in order to make this time not less worthy than those days when we could wander everywhere we wished, IVSA Paklihawa in coordination with Tunza Eco generation was back with exhilarating program.
As conservation of wildlife entails environmental preservation and the ecosystem includes wildlife, the environment, and human, the main of the program was to aware the people of eco-friendly approaches to safeguard wildlife corridors. We organized the webinar on the topic "ECO-FRIENDLY MEASURES TO SAFEGUARD WILDLIFE CORRIDORS" with our guest speaker Mr. Pramod Neupane (Senior Program Officer- Infrastructure, WWF).

7) Conducted Green Chart Series   
In this series, I conducted interview with friends, students, professors, our person of kith and kin, eco generation members, eco generation ambassadors and the organizations working on global environmental issue. I intended to share to as much people as I could although I am novice regarding this campaign till date. I took the interviews and it is in process to share with others as I realized editing videos take time.

8) Organized Online Oratory Competition 
 In order to commemorate World Environment Day, 2021 me along with Mr. Sagar Koirala organized, Tunza Ecogeneration Regional Ambassador for Asia organized ¡®Online Oratory Competition¡¯.

The content to speak was under one of the topics:
a. Ecological restoration
b. Deforestation and loss of biodiversity
c. Waste disposal
Rules and Guidelines
Knowledge, Originality, Time Management, Fluency, Body Language, Diction and Pronunciation will be a clue to announce the winner.
We got 14 valid participants who followed all the rules and guidelines and 8 were invalid participants. All the participants were talented, smart and creative. We appreciate their performance.
The announcement of winner was not less than herculean task. We announced Ms. Sanskriti Giri as the winner of our ¡®Online Oratory Competition¡¯. We acknowledged the participants of every participants and hope for active participation in upcoming programs.
9) Shared the photos of indoor gardening:
I shared photos related to indoor gardening so as to encourage for the plantation of indoor plants in gallery section of websites of Tunza Ecogeneration.
10) Conducted Movers Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals 

On 11th June 2021, Ecogeneration Regional ambassador to Asia Sagar Koirala and I conducted Movers Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals. Movers is Asia pacific regional program of UNDP Asia Pacific and Citi Foundation.
The workshop was facilitated by three diverse facilitators. Miss Lahana Maharjan from Patan, Miss Alka Dhakal from Eastern Nepal and myself successfully conducted the workshop. We basically talked regarding Sustainable Development Goals and their importance yesterday.
During the workshop, participants interacted with other participants and facilitators. They pointed out the importance of Sustainable Development in national and international level. Participants shared their experiences during breakout room. They also strengthen their personal networking and branding during the workshop. With the success of Millenial Development Goals, Sustainable Development goals were drafted with global consensus. SDG are the set of 17 different realistic goals and must be achieved by 2030.


11) Release of Weekly Facts Series 

Being Tunza Ecogeneration regional ambassador for Asia, I announced the release of ¡®Weekly Fact Series¡¯ in which the environmental facts and figures at the first and the third week of the month is being shared.
The sole aim of conducting this campaign is to disseminate the knowledge and change attitude of the people towards environment. We are hopeful that the program deepens your existing understanding and incline towards betterment of the mother earth.

12) Published Research Paper on ¡®Features of small holder goat farming from Chitwan district of Bagmati province in Nepal¡¯ 
 My research paper entitled 'Features of Small Holder Goat farming from Chitwan district of Bagmati Province in Nepal' got published. It was team work with Alok Dhakal, Regional Ambassador For Nepal and my colleagues Sujit Regmi, Mahendra Chapagain.

13) Release of Eco-hub, Bimonthly e-magazine 
 I released bimonthly first issue of e-magazine where creations of people belonging to all age groups are entertained. We prepared this e-magazine to provide the succinct action of the Eco generation ambassador, eco generation members and eco –warrior to the nature lover. The magazine was made to help the eco enthusiast about the way to fight for the mother earth.
In this magazine we had writings related to global environmental issue and any approach for the upliftment of the contemporary environmental issue. Also, some glimpses of the environmental programs and awareness raising campaigns in the gallery section. Upcoming programs and program updates are included as the section of the magazine.
14) Conducted Virtual Conference on Small Mammals 

I along with Alok Dhakal, Ecogeneration regional ambassador to Nepal collaborated with International Veterinary Students Association Paklihawa and International Veterinary Students' Association - PSAU to organise Virtual Conference on Small Mammals. This collaborative event featured webinars on small mammals, and a panel discussion with professionals and advocates on animal welfare.
It was 3-day virtual event entitled "Virtual Conference on Small Mammals" on 23rd-25th July. In the first two days, there were webinars, followed by a panel discussion on the last day. We had high level experts who brought light to small mammal conservation, research, welfare in connection with environmental and agricultural issues.
15) Research Paper Published on ¡®Desert locust invasion in Nepal and possible management strategies: A review¡¯ under Elsevier production

My review article entitled ¡®Desert locust invasion in Nepal and possible management strategies: A review¡¯ has been published in 'Journal of Agriculture and Food research' under Elsevier production. The journey was not easy, had to face ordeal on the way with 3 times revision and going through multiple set of reviewers.

16)  Gift a plant to the mother Earth Campaign   

Being Regional Ambassador to Asia, Meena Pandey I announced the ¡®Gift a plant to mother earth¡¯ campaign where individuals are requested to plant trees in their locality and their home.
I requested to Community forest officers to assist us in the plantation campaign and provide us the plants for plantation. They provided me with the 100 trees from headquarter. After that, I collected my neighbors and other people available at village and taught them on importance of planting and harmful effect we see after deforestation. All people were excited to join with me in afforestation campaign. We cleared some of the bushes, cleared plants that were of no use during 2 days. Around 40 plants were planted at the first day but due to rainfall we were not able to plant all trees that day. So, we planted remaining plants the other day. A total of 100 plants were planted in 2 days with involvement of around 20 people.

17) Diversified Crop Rotation: 
An Approach for Sustainable Agriculture Production My review paper ¡®Diversified Crop Rotation: An Approach for Sustainable Agriculture Production¡¯ is published in the international journal ¡®Advances in Agriculture¡¯ indexed in web of science.

18) Conducted ¡®Let¡¯s get connected¡¯ campaign
I conducted this campaign to help new comers of the Tunza Eco- generation and assist them to submit their essay on ¡®The 14th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition¡¯. Aslo I made them clear about what Tunza is, what does it do and what we have to do. Handling more than 100 persons in online was definitely not as easy as a piece of cake but I managed despite of crazy busy schedule of final exam of semester in collaboration with other ambassador.
If I missed some campaigns to report here undeliberately, I want to apologize. I hereby declare that all the campaigns are done and its progress and program report is presented in the website of Tunza Ecogeneration.
So, Again I would like to request you all to recommend me as the most inspirational ambassador of 26th term.

Thank you so much.