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Ecological footprint

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 16-08-2021 17:54

"Ecological footprint" is a conditional concept that demonstrates the level of human consumption of the resources of the biosphere. According to statistics, in 2005, the average "ecological footprint" of one person covered 2.7 acres, while land could provide each of us with only 2.1 acres. Today, the situation is quite unfortunate.

The Term "Ecological Footprint" refers to "areas of fertile land and marine ecosystems (regardless of location) needed to produce the resources consumed by the population and absorb the waste produced by them". The environmental impact compares the actual production of renewable resources with respect to their annual volume of renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are not taken into account, since their use is unstable.

To better understand this question, let's consider the idea of biological potential.

Biological potential, or biological capacity of an ecosystem, is the ability of the Earth's biological system to produce certain biological substances (natural resources), as well as its ability to absorb and filter other substances (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere. So, it can be argued that the ecological footprint is the necessary resources to meet human needs, and the potential biological indicator provides such an opportunity.

We suggest that you know that the map shows clearly the level of consumption in relation to the resources available in different countries.


It may also be interesting to study the WWF Russia-ecological footprint of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which contains data on the ecological footprint and biological potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The account data provided jointly by the World Wide Fund for nature and the global environmental footprint.

What is the overexpenditure of environmental capital?
Excessive use of environmental capital occurs when the demand for the resources of the biological system exceeds the ability of the earth to reproduce natural capital. The direction of cost overruns appeared in the 1970's of the last century, which led to a decrease in environmental capital-the disappearance of forests and the lack of food Ocean oxidation, as well as the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Overexpenditure of environmental capital

World Day Ekodolga
At the moment when humanity uses renewable resources year-round by Earth, the day of environmental duty comes. Every year, the speed of resource use increases, as a result of which this day comes earlier and earlier. So, in 2014, the day of ekodolga was August 19, while in the early 2000s this day fell on October.

Based on data from the Global Footprint Network (GFN), every year humanity needs many renewable resources that only 1.6 Earth-like planets can provide. According to ecologists, if the environment remains the same, then in 15 years humanity will require the resources of two planets like Earth.

Calculation of land

This year, on August 13, Ekodol day was celebrated all over the world. This means that the remaining 4.5 months of the world's population will live"on credit". In an attempt to draw attention to this problem, developed WWF Russia "probe of the Earth", which indicates that humanity has already used 100% of resources available for use this year.

How to reduce your environmental footprint: tips for the World Wildlife Fund

Set a meter for a more economical electricity tariff
Install the thermostat to the battery, as well as water meters
Check if the windows and doors are well insulated
Defrost the refrigerator regularly


Turn off the engine when the car stops.
Take a ride with friends and colleagues
More walking and cycling
Choose cars that use small amount of fuel
Give priority to trains, not air transport


Sorting garbage.
Buying products made from recycled materials
Dump garbage only in containers

There are many resources available to help you calculate the environmental footprint. For example, you can do this on the WWF Russia website. In addition, a number of organizations dealing with this issue should be mentioned. One of them is the global network "tracking", which provides the scientific data necessary to ensure widespread social change.

Corporate impact on the environment: has the problem been solved at the business level ? 
Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental consequences of their purchases. In this context, companies position themselves as socially responsible, and their products are "more environmentally friendly" than their competitors.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of companies using EMS, but only some take into account the life cycle perception and accounting for material and energy consumption. There are a number of approaches that companies can assess the impact of their products or services on the environment. For example, life cycle analysis (LCA), material and energy consumption analysis (EMFA), or comprehensive balance analysis (MBA) and specific material consumption (mips). Environmental footprint analysis (EFA) is a system of accounting and expression of environmental impact.

Because companies want to be more sustainable, they tend to reduce the environmental footprint. Many are trying to find creative opportunities in their own production and sales chains.

A good example is the purchase of companies that produce tires and shoes. In 2014, Omni United, Singapore's largest tire manufacturer, began its ongoing work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The company aims to become a "carbon neutral" organization in all its business, from procurement to production and supply. To this end, one of Omni United's brands, Radar Tires, reached the level of carbon neutrality a year ago.

Timberland, a world-famous brand known for its footwear, has also announced its intention to reduce the impact on the climate. Another key priority of the company is to reduce the environmental impact through the use of renewable, organic or recycled materials. Thus, tires used on forest lands are a very important resource.


Accordingly, the two companies announced a partnership to create "frames Timberland" provide stable handling for United Artists, ballet and the beginning of Level Shoes Timberland.

"Timberland tires are the first high-quality car tires made specifically for processing in the soles of shoes at the end of their service life on the road . When the tread wears out after only a day, the tire continues to live like a shoe. Less tires in landfills; less rubber for making shoes, " noted company representatives.