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Quirky Ways to Protect the Soil from Erosion

by Vyomm Khanna | 15-08-2021 21:56

Before we start talking about different ways to prevent soil erosion, we first must understand what it actually is: It is the slow, but continuous removal of the highly nutritious topsoil, by forces of water and wind. It can have many drastic consequences if one does not intervene at the right time.For example, erosion can worsen the quality of the soil,thereby reducing the crop yields. Also, when soil and sand particles are carried by running water to water bodies and streams, they can increase the turbidity of the water body thereby killing off the aquatic population. Blowing dust can also have an adverse effect on the respiratory organs. 

Although we cannot entirely stop wind and rain as they are much too useful, we can try to better equip the soil with innovative solutions in order to make it more hardy and stable.One such method is crop rotation. This method involves rotating crops, or planting different types in alternate seasons as it increases plant residue over the soil, thereby minimising erosion by the forces of wind or water.   We also know that the process of tilling soil greatly aerates it, leaving it rather prone to erosion. Thus, we can use alternatives instead of tilling like:  no-till planting, strip rotary tillage, chiseling, and disking leave more of the field surface covered with crop residue that protects the soil from eroding forces. 

Hilly areas are also highly vulnerable to running water, which due to the increased force of gravity, erodes a lot of soil through rill, sheet and gully erosion. To prevent this, we can plant crops in such a way that they resemble the contour, or the slope of the hill. These concurrent layers can reduce the impact of flowing water, thereby preventing soil erosion.

Lastly, planting trees in rows between crops can shelter the soil from impact of wind, thereby reducing soil erosion. I hope this article has educated you on the ways of protecting soil from erosion, and simultaneously preserving its fertility and richness !