- Some interesting facts about geography
- v The water in Antarctica is so cold that nothing in the water can rot.
- v If all the frozen ice in Antarctica were to melt, all the world's oceans would be filled with 60 to 65 meters (200 to 210 feet) of water.
- v The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is 3 degrees Fahrenheit.
- v An average ice berg weighs about 20 million tons.
- v Siberia covers more than 25% of the world's forest area.
- v The city of Houston, Texas, sits on top of a swamp and is slowly sinking down.
- v One cubic mile of sea water contains about 50 pounds of gold.
- v There are more than 50,000 earthquakes in the world every year.
- v The US state of Florida is bigger than the whole of England.
- v The American Mammoth Cave System is the deepest hole in the world at 60,000 meters.
- v Israel's Dead Sea is 1312 feet below sea level.
- v Europe is the only continent where there is no desert.
- v When the moon lands just above your head, its weight is reduced due to its gravity.
- v A volcano has the potential to throw its flames up to 50,000 kilometers.
- v The world's deepest point in the Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench, which is 35,797 feet (10,911 m) deep, is even deeper than the world's tallest, Mount Everest.
- v The lowest mountain in the world is Mount Wycheproof in Victoria in Australia,which is only 140 feet above the ground.
- v The largest island in the world is Greenland with an area of 2131600 km. This length is three times longer than the second largest island in the world. The second largest island, New Guinea, is 790,000 kilometers long.
- References:
- Wikipedia, https://nepalpatra.com/interesting/, Pocket G.K. 4th edition, Goodluckpublication