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7 Ways to Run a More Eco-Friendly Business

by Paisley Hansen | 20-07-2021 08:48

Environmental issues are a prominent issue of today¡¯s current affairs, and businesses hold a great deal of responsibility to modify their business practices to reflect a more eco-friendly ideology. In a realm dominated by electricity use, paper reports and fast-paced turnarounds, it can be challenging to find ways to align your operations with more sustainable systems. 

Fortunately, it doesn¡¯t take much to transform your company¡¯s everyday processes and run a more environmentally friendly business. Take a look at these tips to do your part to make the world, and your company, a better place. 

1. Go Paperless

File cabinets are a thing of the past, and fax machines are rarely an office staple in today¡¯s digital environment. If you haven¡¯t already, switch your records to a virtual cloud storage system, ditch paper reports and revamp your sales management processes by moving your company¡¯s data and systems of operation to a digital home. 

2. Invest in Efficiency

Excessive energy use has always been an environmental concern, but as technology progresses, so do the answers to the problem of energy consumption. Energy-efficient devices are an increasingly important asset to homes and businesses alike. These not only enable you to cut down on electricity spending, but they also give your business a smaller carbon footprint overall. 

3. Consider Donation

If it¡¯s time to swap out the office furniture or equipment for newer models, don¡¯t toss the old ones in the trash just yet. Landfills are piled with discarded equipment that is not likely to degrade over time, which creates a great deal of waste and can even emit harmful air pollutants. Instead, seek out a local charitable organization that may be in need of your used wares. 

4. Reduce Single-Use Items

From packaging and order materials to plastic coffee cups and filters, single-use items are the primary component of the millions of tons of plastic waste that is generated each year. Consider switching out plastic or single use materials for more sustainable options. Ask employees to provide their own coffee cups, switch to compostable plates and cutlery and try eliminating needless packing materials or choosing biodegradable, eco-friendly options instead. 

5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Perhaps one of the greatest impacts you can have on the environment is to heed all aspects of this eco-conscious motto, but especially the first component: reduce. The less your company buys and generates, the fewer pollutants and waste materials enter the ecosystem. Ditch notepads in favor of digital note taking, or stick with the pencil sharpeners you already have, even if newer ones may shave a few seconds off sharpening. 

Whenever possible, reuse supplies, too. Rubber bands, paper clips, metal cutlery and even used packing supplies have a surprisingly long life when used over and over again. Finally, make sure recycling bins are placed prominently in employee areas, but make sure employees are trained on proper recycling practices

6. Form Community Partnerships

Your company is an important part of your local community, and it¡¯s crucial to keep that in mind when aiming for a more sustainable business. If feasible, source your supplies locally, as shipping and transportation are large contributors to greenhouse gases. 

As well, start to get involved in local green initiatives. An eco-friendly company is as much about your environmentally-minded objectives as it is the way you conduct business in your community. Find ways to support community projects by providing goods or services for cleanups, donating to student projects or participating in drives or community actions aimed at creating a greener community. 

7. Buy From Sustainable Companies

After taking steps to make your company¡¯s practices more green, it¡¯s important to take a look at the companies you¡¯re involved with. Some companies are better than others at conserving resources, so it may take some research to discover whether their practices are eco-friendly, too. 

With some time and dedication, your business can establish itself as an eco-conscious figure in your field, as well as in the wider community.