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Wildlife and its importance

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 07-07-2021 00:17

Wildlife  refers to the organism that grow or live wild in an area without  being induced by human .  Wildlife is important natural processes.wildlife is important for stable climate.wildlife also preserve medicinal plant ,endangered species and biodiversity.wildlife serving us essentials like water, fresh air,medicine.Tourist visit to observe natural resources,such as mountain,forest lake etc. .wildlife is most attractive for tourist wildlife helps in economy by increasing tourists. wildlife is also important for detection of new variety of plant and their medicinal value for researchers. People living near the forest areas rely on  natural resources for their survival so that wildlife is also important for preserve the livelihood.Preservation of natural resources like forest, water etc ease to access food products.It helps to maintain healthy ecosystem by balancing carbondioxide and oxygen in helps to minimize stress and stress related problem by enjoying in zoos ,lakes and forest and doing fishing, boating and hiking. Wildlife also play important role in agriculture  by producing new variety of species.wildlife is also important for agricultural development such as earthworm increases the soil fertility by decomposition of dead organisms.