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(Free report) Impact of Telecentre to farmers

by Binita Suwal | 03-07-2021 10:28

Telecentre is a public places where anyone can acquire new information, create, learn and communicate with others along with the digital skills. Telecentre may include public libraries, education centres, voluntary or community organizations or any type of community facilities that helps in acquiring new knowledges. The services provided by telecentres are Telephone services, Computers, Internet, Books, and Computer Training etc. 

Telecentre increases the access of local people with the ICT. Farmer can also access with market information, meterological reports, and information about the spread of animal and plant diseases, pest and their control. The farmers become aware of the new market opportunities.  This made them possible to get the exact revenue which otherwise get cheated by the middleman. The farmers are also benefitted with training and knowledge network provided by the telecentre. With the appropriate knowledge a farmer can decide what to grow, when to grow and how to grow. .

Telecentres empower rural farmers, women and other groups by providing access to information, training and education. The farmers get chance to receive the information about the trend of buyer, pre knowledge about the pest and disease management, pre information about the natural calamities and weather forecast and training about how to tackle such uncertainties. They are now accessed with different mobile applications and farmer help centres that are helpful for disseminating the better practices of cultivation with the help of telecentre. 

Telecentres are providing basic IT training and rural need-based information on agriculture, bee keeping, floriculture, health, environment, adult literacy and on enhancing livelihood opportunities. Telecentres provides free services to the people belonging to low income group. The important notices are translated into the native languages, printed and pasted on the notice boards.

According to the survey conducted in Nangi Village of Ramche VDC in Nepal, before the lunch of telecentre, the villagers must travel for an hour just to read the news, the price information was very much difficult to acquired and the farmers were forced to sell their products to the middle man which cause low revenue generation, most of the people were unable to use computer, they don¡¯t know how they work, there was presence of technophobia and so on due to which they remains underdeveloped. But after launch of ICT facility through telecentre, they were able to read the news from national, international newspapers and other information material with the help of internet available at telecentre. The telecentre operators translate the electronic content into the local language for the illiterate people and disseminate the information. They are now able to work with computer.

The survey of Kavre telecentre shows that everyday a number of visitors appear in the telecentre not only to make the use of internet but also for information collection and dissemination. The service offered by the telecentre as per the survey conducted ,are access to internet, Computer and ICT training, Audio Visual Shows, Telephone services, Access to government forms, Internet browsing training and support, Magazines and Newspaper, Marker prices and agricultural information services, money transfer, library services, awareness/ talk programmes, leadership/ communication training.Community Telecentre and rural livelihood