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ways to control pest and insects in eco-friendly way

by Sharmila Pandey | 26-06-2021 22:17

 Pest has become the main challenge for the farmer while growing crops. To control pest and insect , farmers are regularly applying many insecticides and pesticides which is very harmful for soil  quality as well as for environment and human too. So adoption of eco friendly practices is necessary for the conservation of  green environment.The adoption of the ordinary farm practices in appropriate time in such a way that insect are eliminated or reduced in population is known as cultural practices to control insect pest. The cultural practices may lead to control insect pest either by directly affecting their growth and multiplication or by minimizing the chance of their attack on the plants. The main purpose of the cultural practices is to make environment less favorable to the pest  and more favorable to its natural enemies. The main cultural practices that has been practiced to control insect pest are listed below;

1) Farm/site location : At the time of crop plantation , climate of the location should be selected in such a way that occurrence of the pest into the crop is unfavorable .

2) crop rotation: This is a practice of following a crop susceptible to a pest by a resistant crop . there is no- build of the organism to a high level since the growth cycle of the organism has been taken.

3) Soil quality management :  This is the important element in pest control strategy. A healthy soil means healthy plants which are relatively more resistant to pests. A soil rich in humus hosts a wide variety of beneficial microflora that trap nematodes and destroy or keep in dormancy disease organisms, thereby encouraging beneficial insects.

4) Encouraging host predator : Pest can be controlled by their natural enemies . By growing a variety of flowering olants , specially those belonging to umbelliferae family , such as , fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ) and celery ( Apium graveolens ) , insect predators will be attracted to stay in the garden . these beneficial insects feed on pests, keeping the pest population below economic injury level.

5) Intercropping with the aromatic plants:  Several types of odorous plants can be grown together with the main crop to repel insects. Some of the intercropping aromatic plants are Allium cepa ( onion) , bush-tea bush , leek , garlic , mint , sweet basil, sacred basil, marigold , oregano, worm wood etc.

6) use of insect trapper : younger plants are usually preferred by insects and they suffer significantly from such attacks when compared to older plants . Therefore, a single netting over the plants during the first 30-45 days of their growth can reduce pest damage . also, the net helps diffuse sunlight thereby improving the quality of some vegetables . Finally , the net breaks the impact of raindrops thus 1) reducing physical damage to the plants and 2) reducing soil erosion from beds.

7) Rouging  or pruning :- removal of the diseased plants or plant parts prevents the spread of micro organisms to uninfected areas.

8) reduce and / or disturp pest habitat in and around crop:  Insect pest habitat can include crop residue, spilled seed, weeds along crop edges, plants, and soil. One technique to reduce or disrupt these habitat is sanitation. Sanitation is important both in the field as well as in storage and processing. Destroying or removing crop residue from the field by plowing, shredding, chopping, burning, or feeding it to livestock can remove or kill insect pests that are inhabiting the residue. This technique can compromise soil conservation, however, as crop residue is a source of soil nutrients and erosion control. Sanitation in storage and processing can be achieved by keeping facilities clean and eliminating spillage. These practices can reduce the spread and population growth of insect pests.