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Medicinal Plant Series 4: Mint plant

by Sandhya Adhikari | 23-06-2021 04:19

Mint: Mentha arvensis

It is an annual or perennial vigorous bushy herb that grows up to 1m tall. The entire body of the plant is covered with soft tomentum (short, woolly hairs). The stem is erect or prostate, weak, branched, square often reddish violet or purple in color. It possess simple, dark green, serrated, broad, ovate, lance-shaped, hairy on the underside which is strongly aromatic in nature. Flowers bloom at June to August, which rarely produces fruits.

Climatic Requirement:

Tropical, Subtropical and sub temperate climate are considered as the favorable for the proper growth and development of the plant.  Humid and warm climate is usually preferred. An Average annual rainfall of 100 - 200 cm/annum is desirable. A temperature of these plants range of 20 degree celsious to 30 degree celsius is good for rapid vegetative growth and high oil-content  Light showers at planting and ample sunshine at the time of harvesting fits for its cultivation. Frost and hailstorms may cause severe damage to  the plant. A well-drained loamy, slity loam to clayey loam soils with a soil pH ranges of 6 to 7.5 is desirable. Rich moist soil and partly shaded location are ideal for its cultivation.


Cultivation Practices:

• Propagation of this plant is done by Cutting of stems, roots / Runners / stolon / suckers. Among them multiplication through stolon is commercially practices methods in several countries. Stolon are  the underground stems, light cream colored, smooth and juicy which we formed at the end of creeping root stocks during winter.

• Sowing Season:- January - March and May-June.


How can you Plant Mint?

Fresh succulent stolons of 8 - 10cm long with 2 to 4 growing points are planted at a depth of 2 - 3 cm in well - prepared  land.   Before planting the stolons should be treated with 0.3% Agallol solution for 5 minutes.  A solution of 6 -8 liters of cow urine and 50 liters of water, stolons are dipped upto 40 -45 minutes.  A short piece of cutting or runner may be used as its multiplication or cultivation.

 Stolon Rate:- 200 - 300kg of stolons/ha. Or 250 – 400 kg of suckers / ha is used for the cultivation.  A piece should be 4-6 cm long with 2 -4 nodes.



Manures and Fertilizers:- 12-15q of FYM/compost/ha. 120:50-60: 40- 60kg of NPK/h is required for the plantation of the mint.P and K along with one third doses of nitrogen are given as basal dose. While rest of the N- fertiliser is applied in twoequal doses at 6-8 weeks after planting and

second 4 weeks later at harvesting time.  20kg of Zn/ha is also added as the recommended dose.

• Irrigation:-It requires heavy irrigations (8-10) during summer and 4-5 irrigations during autumn.


Harvesting:- It is harvested after 100 - 105 days of planting particularly when the flower buds start to open during rain onset. After full bloom stage oil content rapidly goes down. The crop needs to be cut 10 - 15cm above the ground on bright sunny days as menthol is highest.  Second harvest is made 90 - 100 days after the first harvest usually in done in October. The entire plants should be cut above the ground.


• Yield:- 15 -25 tones/ha. Which 150kg of oil may be obtained. The oil content is 0.4 to 0.7 percent on fresh weight basis.


Chemical evaluation

There is multihued importance of this medicinal plant. It acts as Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Anaesthetic, Antimicrobial, Carminative, Cytotoxic, Digestive, Expectorant, Stomachic, Stimulant, Cholagogue (Stimulates the secretion and flow of bile in to the duodenum), Astringent (Causes contraction of organic tissues), Febrifuge, Tonic.



¨ª  The oil obtained from this plant is used in some pharmaceutical preparations such as cough cold syrups, drops, mouth washes, herb teas in the form of menthol.

¨ª  Most extensively used in the preparation of cough lozenges, tooth pastes detergents, soaps, cosmetics, perfumes and especially industrial fragrances used by the food industry especially for flavoring confectionery, liqueurs, and chewing gums, tobacco, pan masala, scanty cigarettes.


The major product of mints that  are used in Nepal are Pudinhara, Sancho, Souche, Sparsh etc.


About me, i am fond of mint drink, mint chewing gum, mint tooth paste and mint face wash. I also use mint in my pickles and sometime i chew fresh mint leaves. I love to use mentha leaves on my face during scorching sunlight. If you have nt used yet i suggest you to use, it will make you cool during summer. What about you?? Do you love and consume mint?? Share your story with us. Eager to read from you and have suggestions in using this plant in various purposes.