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7 Environmentally Friendly Advantages of Cloud Computing

by Paisley Hansen | 24-06-2021 08:47

Since the beginning, industrialization and technology have only increased the amount of carbon emissions and waste. This increase is because it was necessary to manufacture and utilize machinery. Now cloud computing is making a huge positive impact by being much more environmentally friendly than traditional computing. Additionally, the technology is more convenient and cost-effective for its users. Here are just a few ways that cloud computing benefits the Earth's environment.

1. Shifts to Renewable Energy Sources

Some cloud data centers use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and other resources for electricity. The shift to these resources through cloud migration significantly reduces their carbon footprint while providing uninterrupted energy for reliable and efficient systems. 

2.  Increases Data Center Efficiency

Cloud computing shares resources and services among many people. This sharing makes it much more energy-efficient than traditional data centers. The resource savings clearly make the cloud an environmentally friendly option. Cloud computing companies also use the latest eco-friendly technologies to save energy in every part of their process. 

3.  Encourages Dematerialization

When you're dematerializing, you're substituting high-carbon physical products for their virtual equivalents. As a result, you're using fewer conventional machines and hardware. Therefore, virtual services such as video streaming use much less energy than traditional physical products. 

When you're using less hardware, you're creating less waste from its disposal. Cloud computing also helps people and businesses go paperless. For example, you no longer have to print paper documents to send them to someone to sign. Now you can send them for digital signing and store them securely on the cloud. 

4.  Decreases Energy Consumption

Operating an on-sight data center uses a considerable amount of power. It requires a constant power supply and cooling system for the server. Like all electronic equipment, it also has a lifespan. Disposal creates even more waste. Not only does it help the environment to use cloud computing, but the energy reduction also saves businesses a significant amount in energy costs, as much as 60-85%. 

5.  Increases Hardware Refresh Speed

The hardware of a data center is always going to need an upgrade at some point. When it's time, though, it will be a costly process, both financially and time-wise. The public cloud's hardware sees much more use than an on-premises data center, which means that it wears out sooner and, therefore, has a faster refresh time. This hardware is also updated regularly, so it's always current, efficient and cost-effective for everyone involved. 

6.  Accommodates Remote Working

In addition to all the other environmentally friendly benefits, cloud computing helps enable people to work remotely. Since remote workers don't need to be physically in the office, they don't need to use transportation to commute to and from work or even on business trips. As a result, cloud computing enables people and companies to save on fuel. Businesses can also save money on office resources, such as utilities, paper and so on, if they can have a smaller operation with fewer in-office employees. 

7. Diminishes Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 

By using cloud computing, you're decreasing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted versus the amount emitted from a traditional on-site data center. A conventional data center produces greenhouse gases in several ways: raw equipment production, machine assembly, equipment transportation to the data center, machine use and equipment disposal. In addition, opting for the cloud reduces energy requirements and energy consumption. 

The invention of cloud computing has provided so many benefits, including freedom, productivity and cost-savings. But, one of the best advantages by far is how environmentally friendly it is. Technology is improving all the time, so it's exciting to discover what's in store for the future.