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Green Vehicles

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 21-06-2021 20:37

Electric cars collected 31% of absolutely all the latest cars sold in Norway in 2018. This is the largest ratio in France. For a small state, the principal task is to completely abstain from gasoline engines by 2025.

If the perspective of the machines is given by electric motors, then the Fjord Country is considered an excellent example of this, as well as this perspective will look good. During a walk along the streets of the Capital, a huge number of Tesla cars passing near it are thrown at the eye. Also in fact, the Fjord Country is considered to be the most huge bargain realized by Tesla in Europe. Due to the elapsed time, the North American manufacturer has installed Tama most 8,600 machines. It is assumed that in 2019. the number of cars sold will increase rapidly if the latest Tesla Model 3 appears in the Norwegian auction.

However, the problem is not only in Tesla. In Norway, in the past year, a different indicator was also defined - according to the sale of motor vehicles with no degree of emissions. Semo does not only include cars in accumulators, as well as, for example, a Tesla Model S or a Nissan Leaf, but also cars that operate in electricity with integrated fuel components in hydrogen.

Of the absolutely all the latest cars designed in Norway in 2018, almost a third have a zero degree of emissions. A year earlier, this coefficient was 21 percent. Sales of eco-friendly cars increased by forty % compared to 2017, said the Norwegian Department of Road Traffic Data (OFV). In a similar way, from 2 million cars in Norway, Ten % of them make eco-friendly cars.

Germany's achievements in comparison with its Nordic neighbors are not so impressive in any way - even though in this case, the fact that in Germany the sales of cars with no emission of elements in 2018 increased by an unprecedented 43 percent. In the unconditional formulation, this looks the most restrained - in general, the only share from absolutely all cars sold in the past year.

The secret of Norway's prosperity lies in the generous municipal benefits that function as well as in the state, thus also in the district level. In-1st, electric cars are not taxed in any way as well as the tax on the purchase of a car. Thus, in the Norwegian auction, the Volkswagen eGolf with a galvanic engine needs to be much more economical than the ordinary type of Golf in fuel.

In-2nd, municipalities according to the whole state allow owners of eco-friendly cars to park free of charge, free of charge to recharge their own cars also in certain areas, including using special lanes for the purpose of social vehicles.

In the end, simple machines in France have always existed quite expensive. This means that the government did not need to rapidly increase the duty on cars polluting the surrounding area in order to make eco-friendly modifications more economically. "The direction of Norway in the relationship of machines with no degree of emissions has become an object of pride for the purpose of our politicians," says scientist Marianne Ryghaug from the Norwegian Institute of Natural and Industrial Sciences (NTNU). "We are becoming a research site with electrified vehicles, something that guides manufacturers to further innovation and continuous improvement of consumer skills."

Perhaps a more colorful picture of the Norwegian success in the field of electric vehicles is considered this circumstance, the fact that the single size of the sales of the latest cars has shrunk to 7 %. A large number of consumers postpone the purchase of the latest cars until these times, until they can not pick up a loader according to their own taste, informs the Data Department of Track movement..

A more significant change was the elimination of unimpeded passage along commercial routes

This is no less than the political figure highlighted, that as long as the conversation about the abolition of absolutely all benefits does not pass: "There is no doubt that they are functioning. Around us, without exception, there are more cars with no degree of emission, also this is very important. We believe that the period of reducing privileges will not appear in any way, as long as I do not achieve our goal in any way." Also, this task is very soulful: by 2025, the state wants to completely refrain from implementing the latest cars with an internal combustion engine.

Among these, a large number of the latest modifications of eco - friendly cars-from the Audi e-tron up to the Tesla Model 3-are bound to appear in the auction in the shortest period.

The current center-right government, led by Prime Minister Erna Solberg, promised to save major tax breaks until the next elections in 2021.. But with certain small techniques, you will need to refrain over time.

About owners of electric cars in Norway have bonuses in ferry transfer, use of tracks and parking.

For example, the Capital has decided to reduce the use of electric cars of track layers, specialized for the purpose of buses. This needed to be done after that, as well as the drivers of social vehicles began to complain in this case, that a very large number of electric vehicles complicate the movement. Now the owners of electric cars will be able to use the designated bus lanes only in this case, if passengers are in the cabin.

For many years, scientists have been struggling to find options for fuel as well as the main type of fuel for the purpose of road transport. Environmental and resource prerequisites there is no value to enroll - the toxicity of exhaust gases is not indicated in any way only by inactivity. Experts find the solution to the difficulties in the most, sometimes, unusual types of fuel. Recycle preferred more exciting thoughts, triggering the fuel hegemony requirement of fuel.

Biodiesel in vegetable oils

Biodiesel is a variation of biofuels in the base of lean molodchik, which is used as well as in the true version, thus also in the property of different consistencies with diesel gasoline. The concept of using vegetable oil as a fuel belongs to Rudolf Diesel, who in 1895 founded the 1st electric diesel engine with the aim of working in vegetable oil.

As well as the principle, in order to extract biodiesel, rapeseed, sublunary and soybean oils are used. Of course, the females, according to themselves, vegetable oils in the property of fuel in the tank are not extinguished in any way. In vegetable oil, there are worms-esters of fat acids with glycerin. During the extraction of "biosolars", glycerol esters also replace alcohol (someone is emphasized as a secondary result) in the most elementary alcohols — alcohol is also, less often, alcohol. This is also made a component of biodiesel. In many European countries, but also in the United States of America, the Land of the Rising Sun also Brazil, biodiesel has previously developed a good candidate for conventional fuel. Thus, in Germany, rapeseed methylene gas is sold earlier than in 800 charging stations. In July 2010, 245 biodiesel plants with a total capacity of 22 million tons were operating in the EU countries. Specialists of the company Oil World give a forecast that the ko 2020 verb. the part of biodiesel in the texture of the engine fuel used in Brazil, Europe, China and India will be 20%.

Biodiesel is an eco-friendly fuel for the purpose of motor transport: in comparison with simple diesel gasoline, someone practically does not include smoke in any way, and the presence of this fuel is subjected to almost absolute bio-decay. At the base or in here, the bacteria process 99% of biodiesel for 28 days — this will reduce the level of clogging of rivers and lakes.

Small air space

Modifications of pneumatic vehicles — cars that travel in a reduced atmosphere-were previously published by some companies. Peugeot engineers in the second period made a triumph in the automotive industry, announcing the formation of an asteroid, about which in support of the internal combustion engine is added to the force of the compressed atmosphere. Zaposhivochny engineers hoped that such a creation could help small cars reduce fuel consumption up to 3 letters per hundred kilometers. Peugeot experts say that in France, the pneumohybrid is able to travel up to 80% of the period in a reduced atmosphere, without having to base the letter milligram of harmful emissions.

The rule of operation of the "airmobile" is quite simple: during the movement of the car, it is not the gasoline composition that burns in the engine cylinders, but the strong flow of the atmosphere from the cylinder (the influence in the cylinder is about Three Hundred airs). An electropneumatic motor converts the energy of the compressed atmosphere into the rotation of the semi-axes.

Unfortunately, cars completely in a reduced atmosphere or air-hybrid are formed, in the main, in the smallest batches-with the aim of operating in peculiar circumstances also in a narrow place (for example, in production sites that call for the greatest degree of fire protection). Although there are certain modifications also for the purpose of "standard" consumers.

Eco-friendly micro-truck Gator from the company Engineair – the 1st car in Australia in a reduced version, arrived in a real commercial use. It is previously possible to observe it in the streets of Melbourne. Tonnage – Five hundred kilograms, the size of the cylinders with the atmosphere-105 liters.. The rally of a truck in one gas station is 16 kilometers.


Food products of vital activity

Up to what the growth has reached-certain machines for the purpose of the operation of the engine do not need fuel, but the remnants of the vital activity of the person falling into the sewer. A similar magic of the automotive industry was formed in France. In the roads of Bristol, a car was stared at, which uses the gas removed from human waste in the property of fuel. The prototype modification was started by the Volkswagen Beetle, but the manufacturer of the VW Bio-Bug cars in the innovative fuel - the company GeneCo. Determined in a Volkswagen convertible, the excrement-recycling engine allowed Fifteen thousand km to be covered.

The discovery of GeneCo was quickly described as a breakthrough in the introduction of energy-saving technologies and environmentally friendly fuel. To a philistine, the concept may seem surreal at first glance, for this reason it is necessary to explain: in the car, of course, previously converted fuel is used — in the version of finished methane, purchased in advance from the remnants of vital activity.

In this case, the VW Bio-Bug engine uses 2 types of fuel at the same time: the car starts with fuel, however, as soon as the engine warms up, but the car accumulates a specific rate, the delivery of human gastric gas converted in the GeneCo plants is introduced. Buyers have every chance, including not noticing the differences in any way. However, the main advertising issue remains-people's negative understanding of this material, from which they purchase biogas.

Nice batteries

The production of cars that feed on cloudless energy is probably the most formed direction of the automotive industry, aimed at the use of ec-fuel. Cars in fine batteries are formed according to the whole society also in the most different varieties. Back in 1982, the discoverer Hans Tolstrup in the sunmobile "Quiet Achiever" ("Quiet record holder") crossed Australia from the west to Asia (of course, with a speed of only Twenty kilometers in time).

In September 2014, the Stella car in fine batteries managed to overcome the path from Los Angeles all the way to Chin Francisco, but only 560 kilometers. The solar car, created by a team from the Dutch Institute of Eindhoven, is equipped with panels that collect clear energy, as well as a sixty-kilogram battery pack with a capacity of 6 kilowatt-times. Stella has a mediocre pace of seventy kilometers in time. If there is a lack of clear lighting, the battery reserve is sufficient at 600 kilometers. In October 2014, students from Eindhoven in their own magic-car set up a promotion in the World Solar Challenge — a 3000-kilometer competition according to Australia with the goal of cars in fine batteries.

The most high-speed electric car in fine batteries during this period is considered to be the Sunswift, formed by the installation of students from the Australian Institute of Modern Midday Wales

In tests in August 2014, this solar vehicle in 1 charge of the accum overcame Five hundred km with an amazing speed for the purpose of such vehicles, a typical speed of One hundred kilometers during the time.

Biodiesel in cooking waste

In 2011. The Department of Agriculture of the United States of America, together with the State Laboratory of Renewable Energy Varieties, conducted a study of other types of fuel. One of the striking results began the conclusion about the prospects of using biodiesel fuel in the base of the material of zoological origin. Biodiesel from tuk fragments is a technique that is still not very well formed, but it was previously used in the Churkestan states.

At any time, in the Land of the Rising Sun, after the production of the state dish, tempura, there are about Four hundred thousand tons of applied cooking fat. Previously, someone was processed into food for the purpose of animal products, vitamins (as well as soap products), but at the beginning of the 1990s, thrifty residents of the land of the rising sun discovered another use for him, setting up the production of lean diesel fuel in his base.

According to a comparison with fuel of this kind, an unusual type of gas station emphasizes the least amount of smoky oxide in the atmosphere — the main prerequisite for acid showers-and also reduces the number of other toxic exhaust gas emissions by 2 thirty percent. In order to make the latest fuel the most common, its manufacturers have developed an inquisitive scheme. Anyone who sends to the company according to the development of the RDT 10 batches of plastic bottles with the applied cooking fat, is accentuated by 3.3 square meters of boron in one of the Japanese prefectures.



Up to the Russian Federation, the technique has not yet reached this size, but in vain: the annual number of remnants of the Russian food industry is Fourteen million tons, which, according to its own energy potential, is equivalent to 7 million tons of oil. In the Russian Federation, the residues dissolved in biodiesel covered the need for motor transport in Ten %.

Watery tritium

Watery tritium has long been one of the main types of fuel, handy to throw the fuel requirement also diesel. Motor transport resources in hydrogen fuel are not considered a rarity in any way, but due to the many conditions, they also did not achieve extensive fame in this way. Despite the fact that in the final period, due to the latest swell with "green" technologies, the concept of a hydrogen engine has gained new adherents.

At the same time, a number of large manufacturers currently have their own mock-up cars with a hydrogen engine. The only one with the most popular samples – ?¬Þ mv Hydrogen 7, a car with an internal combustion engine that is able to function also in fuel, also in watery hydrogen. ?¬Þ mv Hydrogen 7 has a gasoline tank of 74 liters also a capacity to store 8 kilograms of watery hydrogen.

In a similar way, the car is able to use both types of fuel during a single trip: the transition from the 1st type of fuel to another is made by an automatic machine, the presence of which responds to hydrogen. A similar type of engine is equipped, for example, a mixed hydrogen-gasoline car Aston Martin Rapide S. In the silent engine, it is able to function in two types of fuel, but the transition between them is realized by the mental concept of optimizing the consumption and emissions of harmful elements into the atmosphere.

Hydrogen fuel is also intended to be studied by other giant cars-Mazda, Nissan and Toyota. It is, that watery tritium is not environmentally dangerous, so as well as the presence of gorenje in the sphere of the purest air does not emphasize almost any polluting elements.

Greenish aquatic plants

Seaweed fuel is an outlandish method of extracting energy for the purpose of the machine. The analysis of aquatic plants in the properties of biofuels began, first of all in general, in the United States of America, also the Land of the Rising Sun.

The country of the Rising Sun does not own a huge reserve of fertile territories for the purpose of growing rapeseed or plants (which are used in other countries to extract biofuels from lean young men). However, the State of the Rising Celestial Body gets a huge number of greenish algae. Previously, they were used for food, but now their base began to make refueling for the purpose of the current cars. Not in this way for a long time in the Japanese town of Fujisawa, a passenger minibus DeuSEL from the company Isuzu appeared in the streets, which moves in fuel, the share of which is obtained in the base of algae. One of the main components became euglena greenish.

Currently, "algae" additives form a whole number of % with a single amount of fuel in motor vehicles, but in the future, the Churkestan manufacturer promises to create a motor, which will make it possible to use a bio-component in all One hundred %without exception.

In the United States of America, the problem of biofuels based on algae has also become very much involved. The Propel gas station line in Northern California is the basis for selling Soladiesel biodiesel to absolutely everyone who aspires. Fuel is obtained from algae by the line of their fermentation and further separation of hydrocarbons. The inventors of biofuels assure a twenty percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions as well as a tangible reduction in toxicity according to other criteria.