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Save our oceans

by Vaishnavi Raut | 10-06-2021 21:47

Ocean cover over 70% of the earth surface they not only serve as the planets largest habitat but also help to regulate the global climate. the ocean is a continuous body of Salt water that surround the  continents .
     It is devided into four major region the Pacific , Atlantic,Indian,and Artic the oceans contain traces of all chemical elements found on earth but it tastes salty because sodium and chloride ions in rain water runoff and minerals from geothermal vent on the sea floor climate change is althering the oceans in three major ways first the ocean is getting warmer the green house effect not only warms the planet but also rised the temperature of the world ocean over the past century ocean surface temperature rase at an average rate at about .13 degree Fahrenheit per decade and during the past 30 years sea surface temperature has been consistently higher than at any other time an record . this warmer water vaporize quickly stronger and more frequent Strom higher temperature threaten delicate ocean life like coral reefs and disrupt the food chain from krill ,to penguin,to shell . second since 1993, the seas have  been raising at a rate that twice as fast as the term trend sea level rise not only because water expands which it heats up .but also due to melting glaciers and ice sheet rising seas contribute to flooding on once dry land in coastal regions a third consequences of climate change is ocean acidification .sea water absorbs carbon dioxide forms the atmosphere . which which lower it's PH results in higher acid content this reduce the concentration of calcium carbonate which makes it difficult for species like oyster,clams and crals to form sheels or skeleton the only way to stop thus damage to our oceans is to dramatically reduce greenhouse Gas emissions but even emissions Stop tomorrow the gases currently in the atmosphere would take decades to dissipate plastic pollution 
How does plastic affect marine animals?
Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year . atleast 8 million tons of plastics  end up in our ocean every year death' of more than a million seabird every year  plastic enjure and kills fish it affects reproductive 
Save our sea animals. recycle everything you can
 Participant in beach clean up