Climate causes and effectsby Vaishnavi Raut | 05-06-2021 17:49 |
Human Activities for pollution to over population of driving of the earth temperature and fundamental changing the world around us. CLIMATE CAUSES AND EFFECTS The main course of know the green house effect gasses in atmosphere such as Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide,Cloro fluorocarbons let the sun's light in keep sunlight heat of green house gases .the more greenhouse gases of atmosphere the more heat get trapped stringing the green house effect cause increase the earth temperature . human activities .like burning of fossil fuels have increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by more the industrial revolution rapied increase green house gases in atmosphere has worn the planet are alarming rate.while earth climate has fluctuated in the past atmosphere carbon dioxide has increased the days level 100 to 1000of years climate change has consequences for our oceans our weather or food source and our health . *Ocean :ice sheet such as green land and Attica are melting . the extra water that was one held declation causes sea level steriove and spleens out of the oceans flooding cause the regians *Weather:warmal temperature also make weather more extreme this mean not only make Instance measure Strom flood ,heavy snow falls but also longer and more frequent graundes.this change in wheather pose challenge *Health: in addition to creating new agriculture challenge climate change can directly effect the people physical health .in arban areas the warmer atmosphere create and environment that trap and increase the amount smog these because smog contain ozone particles increase rapidly in higher temperature exposure to higher level of smog can cause health problem such as asthma,heart disease and lung cancer , world rapidly rate of climate change in cause by human . human are also the ones who can compatite if we work to replace fossil fuels with renuable energy source like solar and when which don't produce green house gases we might still be able to prevent some worse effect of climate change. |