Lets Hear from you: possible solution on Deforestationby Sandhya Adhikari | 27-05-2021 20:40 |
On the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity, lets hear from you, Campaign was organized and participant was requested to send some ideas regarding the Possible solution for some major threats causing the loss in the Biodiversity, here is the possible solution on deforestation shared by participant; Contestant no 4: Bishnu Guragain Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities. The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people. Possible solution for overcoming deforestation: • Green business concerns re-use and recycling. Green methods of production and utilization of resources can immeasurably reduce deforestation. Particularly, it¡¯s the focus on re-using items, reducing the use of artificial items, and recycling more items. Paper, plastics, and wood are linked to the destruction of forests and other natural resources. • Eco-forestry is a move on saving the worlds forest. It acknowledges that sometimes, the use of trees for various human activities or reasons can be inevitable. • Due to the nature and extent of forest destruction, efforts to stop the human activities can be complemented by laws and regulation at governmental and organizational levels. • Replanting or tree planting utilizes almost the same aspect as community forestry. However, it entirely focuses of replanting, a feature commonly known as reforestation. • Do not use firewood to heat up your fireplaces. It takes a few hours to burn the firewood but takes years to grow a single tree. Live in such a way that your activities cause minimum impact on the environment. • Encourage people to live in a way that doesn¡¯t hurt the environment. Besides ,we can start community forest project, Work with NGO¡¯s to establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife and soon .In this way ,we can control or minimize deforestation which is a burning problem in the world and our country. Contestant 13: Manoj Shrestha Some Solution of Deforestation 1. Government rules and regulations should be better and strict to protect the woods, stringent rules on how much forest can be cut down and how much must be protected must be implemented. The temptation to clear the forest and convert it to farmland is too strong. Without regulation, deforestation can continue until there is nothing left of the forest. 2. Convince farmers to avoid deforestation and farmers must be persuaded of the devastating consequences of deforestation for humanity. Farmers should be subsidized in such a way that they have a financial incentive to conserve their forests, as they have a financial incentive to convert their forests to farmland. 3. Education is another solution to deforestation. The student of schools and college must know about deforestation and its effect on the earth. So education should be provided with this type of information. 4. Should use an alternative source of energy because the use of the wood as a source of fire causes deforestation knowingly or unknowingly. Instead of wood, we can use an alternate source of sustainable energy like biogas, gobar gas, etc. 5. The government, NGOs, INGOs must be the focus on deforestation as one of the climate change agents and start to act on it by making super cool, efficient ideas. With the helpand helping each other. 6. Reforestation and afforestation should be done in every place of the earth by every man of earth. They must know about the importance of forest-like nowadays people are realizing the importance of oxygen. 7. Make a forest as a special thing of life or like a special place or special one, who you Do not want to hurt, you want to keep safe, keep loving and make better. Contestant no 12: Roshani Sah Introduction : Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as; agricultural lands, urbanization, mining activities, wood products, etc. Deforestation has been negatively affecting natural ecosystems, biodiversity and climate. It represents one of the largest issues in global land use. It is caused by multiple factors, either of human or natural origin. As the deforestation is increasing day by day, the most consequence in its threat to biodiversity. By destroying the forests, human activities are putting entire ecosystem in danger, creating natural imbalances and putting life at threat. Similarly, deforestation may lead to food insecurity in the future, soil erosion and contributes to climate change, etc. Solutions to Deforestation: 1. Protection of forested areas by creating laws and policies that ensure forests are kept protected and restored. 2. Reforming trade agreements, starting to value differently products obtained through deforestation and creating incentives for the use of sustainable forestry certifications. 3. Educating local communities and tourists about the need to protect forests and develop & enroll in ecotourism activities. 4. Replanting efforts are led and funded by the non-governmental organizations for deforested area. 5. Report illegal logging of woods, if the number is not in the proper database. |