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How to Live a Green Lifestyle

by Paisley Hansen | 13-05-2021 05:17

Over the past century, scientific research has made it clear that protecting our planet is vital to securing our future. Many of the advancements we need to make in order to do that can be made collectively, but the responsible choices that each individual person makes can make a huge impact. More people every day are making the commitment to live their lives in greater harmony with nature. Here are five ways that you can start living a healthy, green lifestyle. 

1. Change Your Driving Habits

Here in the US, the transportation sector is responsible for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. To change this, we need to get smarter about our driving habits. Small measures such as carpooling and turning your vehicle off instead of idling are a wonderful way to start, since every gallon of gasoline burned creates nearly nine kilograms of greenhouse gases. If you have the funds for a new car, there's always the option of an electric vehicle, and fully loaded solar automobiles are hitting the market this year. The cost of an electric or solar car can be a bit steep, but you can soften the economic blow by shopping around for cheap car insurance or learning basic car maintenance procedures. 

2. Reduce and Reuse

Every piece of trash that goes in a landfill is another piece of land that can't be used to grow food, make oxygen or provide a habitat for wildlife. Recycling programs are mostly in the hands of government and industry, but every individual can reduce the amount of waste they produce in the first place. Start small. Don't use paper towels when you can use washable cloth towels. If you have babies, consider cloth diapers instead of disposable ones. You can also get into the upcycling movement by repurposing old devices for new functions. Folding old newspapers into a flowerpot is one example of applying the DIY ethic to your consumption habits. 

3. Invest in Sustainable Energy

One of the best ways to go green is to go off the grid. According to EPA research, electricity production accounted for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. The good news is that solar power has become a more robust and versatile source of energy than ever before. In fact, by 2017, cost targets for commercial and residential solar energy dropped to $0.11 and $0.16 per kilowatt-hour respectively. With the federal and local governments offering tax incentives for renewable energy, it's never been a better time to do your research and see how your life (and wallet) could be helped by kicking the fossil fuel habit. 

4. Incorporate Nature Into Your Home

Our homes have a huge impact on the world around us, as well as on our own health. Entire schools of architecture like biomimicry and biophilic design have been formulated around incorporating natural processes into our dwellings. You don't have to start so big, though. NASA has been doing research for some time about the air purifying effects of certain houseplants. People working from their homes should also be aware that a recent UK study found that bringing plants into the workplace increased productivity by up to 15%. Living green really does start at home. 

5. Get in Tune With the World

Living a green lifestyle is as much a way of thought as it is a way of life. Learn about how the world really works by studying basic ecology and naturalism. It's a great way to gain perspective on your life and learn to value the world we share. Never forget that you are just one part of a complex universe, so get outside when you can and enjoy it. It's a proven stress reducer. Even if you live in an apartment, you can set aside a space for meditation and fill it with plant life. No matter how you do it, connection to nature is a bond worth nurturing. 

Sustainable living is all about making a shift in consciousness towards an understand of our place in the world. Thankfully, advancements in technology and education are making the choice to go green easier than ever before.