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{Free report} What can be done to reduce industrial damage of the environment?

by Diana Gamazova | 26-04-2021 21:38

Hello to everyone! So as I could observe, many of us discuss the damage of industrialization of population; however, not so many of us told about the solutions that can be made in order to tackle it. So here I am, representing some of them:
What to do
The right direction for the development of industry today is the optimal combination of industrial production and the cleanliness of the natural environment.

In general, the real ways to solve environmental problems are connected with the research of a complex of fundamental changes, including scientific and technological progress, but not limited to it.

The development of science and technology only provides an opportunity to solve environmental problems, which only under certain conditions becomes a reality.

Modern man must and must develop harmonious relations with the natural environment of his habitat, understand all the processes of development of natural nature and manage them intelligently, contributing to the enrichment, humanization, and harmonization of nature.

Any sane person understands that further scientific and technological progress is necessary to improve people's lives, but not everyone understands that along with progress, it is necessary to remember about the protection and protection of the natural environment, which is why the interests of nature, and not people, should be put at the heart of all development and functioning, including industrial development. The solution of environmental problems is possible only by knowledgeable, competent, foreseeing the result of their actions by specialists. Indeed, in any ecosystem created by humans, man is its active element, and nature is its passive element, which is why all responsibility for the protection and protection of the natural environment lies with man.

Any human activity should be carried out only with its ecological support on the basis of modern environmental and resource-saving technologies. Environmental support of enterprises consists in the simultaneous implementation of constructive, organizational, technical and ergotic measures.

Constructive measures are laid down in the design process and implemented in the construction process. Since this group of activities corresponds to the stage of design and construction of the object, then, given their duration, they often become obsolete by the time the object begins operation. Constructive measures can be supplemented and corrected during the construction, repair, modernization and re-equipment of the object.

When designing an object, it is necessary to equip it with a wastewater treatment system; to equip it with tanks for collecting dangerous pollutants, control systems for water discharged into the environment; to provide coolers and purifiers of outgoing flue gases, as well as devices for cleaning and neutralizing industrial gases discharged into the atmosphere; to exclude the consumption of resources not for their intended purpose (leaks, spills, etc.); to prevent leaks of lubricants, fuel from systems and equipment.
Security measures
Organizational and technical measures to ensure the environmental safety of industrial enterprises are developed at the design stage and adjusted during construction. Taking into account the accumulated experience of operating enterprises, organizational and technical measures can be changed and supplemented.

These activities include:

• maintenance of equipment and systems during operation in good condition;
* organization of the company's activities to prevent harmful emissions from entering the environment;
* organization of control over the state of systems for cleaning harmful emissions and the environment;
* providing enterprises with portable means of monitoring the state of the natural environment and collecting leaks of polluted water;
* providing all enterprises with visual agitation for the protection of the natural environment.

Ergotic measures to ensure the environmental safety of industrial enterprises are set out in the rules, instructions, manuals, guidelines, directives, etc.and determine the actions of each employee of the enterprise to reduce the harmful impact of the site, workshop and enterprise as a whole on the natural environment, as well as the primary actions to localize harmful accidental emissions into the biosphere. These measures are implemented in the course of the daily activities of enterprises.

The following activities are ergotic:

* correct and accurate performance of all official duties, including those related to environmental protection;
* understanding the responsibility of all categories of managers and employees for environmental pollution;
* special training of all personnel of industrial complexes in accordance with their position;
* environmental education of managers and employees;
* training of service personnel to combat environmental pollution.

Unfortunately, the currently used environmental measures are passive, and for maximum environmental safety of enterprises, it is necessary to use active environmental measures, such as the widespread introduction and use of resource-saving and waste-free technologies.

The practical implementation of the presented activities is not easy and requires a certain amount of time with the involvement of scientific potential, but it is no longer possible to postpone their practical implementation for the future.

Industrial production and the natural environment are two opposite inseparable components of the development of modern human civilization. Today, more than 7 billion people live on our planet, and everyone naturally wants to live a better and safer life. It is obvious that the only way to continue human existence in the present and future is to live in complete harmony with the surrounding world, which implies the development and functioning of industrial production taking into account the interests of nature.

The further development of modern civilization based on the use of scientific and technological progress is unthinkable without ecological support, that is, without a careful and rational attitude to the natural environment.