Medicinal Plant series 3: Aloe Veraby Sandhya Adhikari | 27-04-2021 12:46 |
Aloe vera (Burn-plant) Aloe vera is derived from two words i.e (Aloe- a shining bitter substance; Vera =true) Environment and Climatic Requirement: It mostly grow in hot humid region with high rainfall. It mostly requires well drained soil with high organic matter.It grows well in bright sun light and highly sensitive to water stagnation condition. The growth is also suitable in sandy soils. Land Preparation It requires 2-3 ploughing followed by harrowing and leveling. The land should be weed free. Good tilthis required for the better growth and development of the plants. Manure and Fertilizers: 8-10 tonns of FYM/ ha is applied during the land preparation. 35 kg N, 70 kg P2 O5, and 70 kg K2O/ha are added. 350-400 kg Neem Cake / ha may be applied for protection from termite. In September – October about 35-40 kg N as top dressing may be applied. Propagation: Mostly propagated through rhizome (5-6 cm length cuttings with a minimum of 2-3 nodes on them). Rainy season is considered ideal for sucker plantation. A spacing of 1.5 x 1 ft is maintained during the plantation period Irrigation and Interculture In 40 DAP weeding and earthing up is done. Earthing up is also practiced after top dressing of fertilizer. proper drainage is more important than irrigation for the cultivation. As per need light irrigation during drought is enough. plant protection materials like raw garlic juice, neem oil (10,000 ppm) 2-3 ml / lit, tobacco extractant 20 ml / lit gave reasonably good result . Harvesting: Harvesting of leaves starts after 7-8 months of planting. Typically, the outermost 3–4 leaves are harvested then dried in shade and then in sun before storages. Flowers are mostly collected in December – January and preserved after proper drying. Yearly 100 – 115 quintals raw leaves and 350 – 400 kg flowers / ha are obtained. Expenditure : Rs.1,10,000 / ha. The expected income with a yield of about 110 – 115 quintal would be about Rs. 340,000/ha. The net profit would be about Rs.230,000 /ha/year. Better management can results in much higher income and net profit. Important constituents in Aloe Vera: Vitamins: A, C, E (antioxidants) B12, folic acid, choline Enzymes: aliiase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, and peroxidase. Bradykinase helps to reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin Minerals: Ca,Cr, Cu, Se, Mg, Mn, K, Na, Zn Sugar: mannose-6-phosphate, glucomannans (anti allergic) Anthraquinones: 12: Aloin and emodin act as analgesics, antibacterials and antivirals. Fatty acids: campesterol and b- sitoserol (reduce cholesterol) Alkaline food, Amino Acids: 18-20 AALysine, Threonin, Valine etc Repair tissues / carry oxygen) Long term use : electrolyte disbalance Not suitable during pregnancy period. So it is advice to exclude aloe vera during pregnancy. Major Uses of Aloe vera: Healing, protection against UV, Anti ageing, Anti viral, laxative, antiseptic Clinical uses: Seborrheic dermatitis, skin burns, diabetes (type 2), cancer prevention, ulcerative colitis, wound healing , pressure, ulcers, radiation dermatitis, acne, frost bite, and constipation ALOE VERA SIDE EFFECTS skin allergies, rashes Laxative dependency Electrolyte imbalance Latex can cause diarrhoea Lowers blood sugar Abortion/ miscarriage Irregular beat People who are suffering from irregular heartbeat should not drink this juice Person with kidney failure should not consume it. High dose can cause liver inflammation Thyroid dis function Stay away from aloe if you are allergic to garlic, tulips, or onions. |