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(Free Topic) Beyond Meet. Grasshopper meat?

by Shirin Shukhratova | 25-04-2021 17:36

In my last post, I wrote about the consequences for nature and the man himself eating meat, namely in excessive consumption. It turns out that it is not as harmless to eat meat as we used to think, and the question arose: What should we do? Stop eating meat altogether? Of course not! However, it would not hurt to try something new. Besides, if you like the taste, why not replace the meat?

The first alternative to meat is soy meat or meat from legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils). Surely many people have heard of soy meat, there are even burgers made of soy, but few people know that there are other products from the legume family as well. I am already a big fan of soy meat, as it is assimilated by the body by 80% and is much less harmful to our planet than the same beef. Besides, 1 kg of soy has 3 times more protein than 1 kg of beef.

Spirulina. Have you ever heard of seaweed meat? Not only is it one of the safest to extract for the environment, but its protein content exceeds 65% of its weight. It tastes peculiar, but if eaten with the addition of different spices, it takes on the taste of crabmeat.

 Tempeh is a pressed "brick" of completely fermented soybeans. Residents of Indonesia and Southeast Asia probably know about it firsthand. To some, it tastes like mushrooms and to others like nuts. In addition to its high protein content (100 gr of 18 g of protein), it is very versatile in cooking because it can be marinated, crumbled, chopped, sliced, fried or baked.

 Tofu: one of the most famous meat analogues. Tofu can be considered as meat without bones. In Japan and other Asian countries, tofu has been a food source for a long time. Besides, it is easily digestible in the body and insanely delicious. If I have to choose between tofu and any other kind of meat, the choice without hesitation will be in favor of the first, so it tastes good. And combined with beets and oranges, mmm...., it makes my mouth water.

Insect meat. Whoa-whoa, no need to immediately bulge eyes and shake head negatively. It really is, especially such meat is popular in Germany and Switzerland. I either have not tried it myself, but those who have used it say that it tastes like nuts or rabbit meat. However, most importantly, this type of meat is almost the best substitute for meat, as it not only has a lot of protein, but its extraction brings minimal harm to our planet.

As a final note, I would like to remind you that I am not calling to immediately stop eating meat and switch to substitutes with this post. Some people just like the taste of meat, and there is nothing shameful or bad about that. I just wanted to remind you about the diversity of our world and that at least for the sake of experimentation it is worth giving alternative types of meat a chance, who knows may like it!