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6 Changes You Can Make To Reduce Your Car Emissions

by Carol Evenson | 13-04-2021 11:15

No matter what type of car you drive, it has at least some impact on the environment. If you are worried about your car's carbon footprint and want to do something about it, here are six changes you can make to reduce your car emissions today.

Maintain Your Car Regularly

This may sound obvious, but there are numerous ways to properly maintain your car that are more involved than a simple oil change. You also need to ensure that your brakes, tires, and air conditioning systems are running smoothly. Think about it — a car with bad tires has to work harder to run and is more likely to require more power and fuel to keep it running, which directly impacts the environment. A bad air conditioner is not good for your health, and also emits pollutants directly into the air. Keep your car in tip-top condition so it has minimal impact on the earth. 

Drive Slower

Driving at a respectful speed isn't just beneficial for your driving record or for keeping your cheap car insurance affordable. Putting the pedal to the metal causes you to burn gas quicker, which also means that more emissions are hitting the atmosphere at a faster rate. If you try to drive At 60 MPH or slower, not only will you reduce the risk of getting a speeding ticket or having an accident, you may even save on your fuel economy.

Clean Your Car Out

A heavy car causes your engine to work harder to keep it moving. If your car is full of items that are not needed, consider removing them to see if it helps your fuel economy. Now is the time to take your trunkful of items that you have been meaning to donate for months to the donation center. Though you may not think that keeping your trunk full has an impact on the environment and can slow you down, you may be surprised to see how much your fuel economy improves once your vehicle is a bit lighter.  

Find a Good Mechanic

If you do not have a car mechanic that you can trust, now is a good time to find one. A good, honest mechanic will not cut corners on any repairs or regular maintenance and may even be able to advise you on ways to keep your car running efficiently. A poorly tuned engine may not be noticeable to the untrained eye, but it can drastically affect your fuel economy, not to mention how terrible it is for the environment. Begin a relationship with a good mechanic instead of taking your car to the closest or most convenient shop and you may save money and be able to keep your car running better for longer.   

Buy an Electric Car

If you happen to be in the market for a new car, consider purchasing an electric car — or at least a hybrid. These types of cars are becoming much more mainstream and less cost-prohibitive, and it seems like nearly every car company is beginning to develop their own versions of these environmentally friendly vehicles. Do your research and you will likely be shocked by how affordable some of the options that are newly available are. Not only will you be saving on gas (or not paying for gas at all), you'll also be driving a car that has very little negative impact on the environment, which is a wonderful thing.  

Avoid Unnecessary Driving

Before you drive somewhere, consider if the trip is necessary. Do you have to run to the gas station now, or can it wait until you have to go out on another errand? Also carpool with a friend if you both have the same itinerary.

Reducing your car's environmental impact does not have to be challenging. Follow some of these simple tips and your car will run smoothly and do less harm to Mother Earth.