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Free Report (April)

by Dalima Thapa | 08-04-2021 22:12

Keeping in mind the theme of this year "Towards an inclusive and sustainable post-pandemic world", this is a free report on the negative consequences that the virus have brought to our environment and some potential strategies on environment sustainability.
We all know how the pandemic covid 19 has affected both humans and environment. Although there are some positive consequences but along with it, there are several negative consequences which should be alleviated before it becomes a huge strain to our environment. 1st of all is the Increase in biomedical waste generation:- From sample collection of the suspected covid 19 patients to diagnosis, treatment of large number of patients as well as disinfection purpose, lots of infectious and biomedical wastes are generated from hospitals which have become a risk to our environment.
Secondly, the use of safety equipments but haphazard disposal:- People are using face masks, hand gloves and other safety equipment presently, to protect themselves from the virus, which increase the amount of healthcare waste. However due to lack of knowledge about infectious waste management, most people dump these things in open places and in some cases, with household wastes. Such haphazard dumping of these trashes creates clogging in water ways and worsens environmental pollution. 
Thirdly, Municipal solid waste generation:- Increase of municipal waste generation has direct and indirect effects on environment like air, water and soil. Furthermore, a large number of people are isolated at their homes and due to lockdown majority of the malls, shops, restaurants and food outlets are closed, so the online purchase and food delivery are quite very high. This has led to more use of single-use plastic.
Some other effects on the environment:- To exterminate the virus, huge amount of disinfectants are applied to the roads, commercial, and residential areas, which may kill non-targeted beneficial species and natural enemies. This may create ecological imbalance. Also, it was reported that SARS-CoV-2 virus was detected in the covid 19 patient's faeces and also from municipal waste water in many countries including Australia, India, Sweden, Netherlands and USA.

Hence to fight these problems along with the viral infection, some of the possible strategies that can be implemented are:-

1) Way to Sustainable industrialization: We know industrialization is crucial for economic growth, however, it's high time that we think about sustainability too. For sustainable industrialization, it is essential to shift to less energy-intensive industries, use of cleaner fuels and technologies, and strong energy efficient policies.
2) Use of renewable energy: Using of renewable energy can lower the demand of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, which can play an important role in reducing the GHGs emissions.
3) Wastewater treatment and reuse: To control the challenges of water pollution, both industrial and municipal wastewater should be properly treated before discharge.
4) Waste recycling and reuse: To reduce the burden of wastes and environmental pollution, both industrial and municipal wastes should be recycled and reused.
5) Behavioral change in our daily life: To reduce the carbon footprint and global carbon emission, it is necessary to change the behavior in our daily life and optimum consumption of resources like, avoiding processed foods and instead take locally grown food, making compost from food waste, switching off or unpluging electronic devices when not used, and using a bicycle instead of a car for short distances.

Our united and suggested time-oriented efforts can thus, strengthen environmental sustainability and save the earth from the effects of global climate change.