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by Sharmila Pandey | 28-03-2021 14:05

 Rauvolfia serpentina   is the commonly known as Sarpagandha is an important medicinal plant of Indian subcontinent and south east Asian countries . it is generally known as serpagandha in Nepal.The plant grows generally in the region with annual rainfall of 200-250 cm and upto an altitude of 1000 m and favours deep fertile soil rich in organic matter. Poor seed germination rate , over exploitation and loss of habitat are the major causes of decline of this species from its natural habitat. It is distributed from east to central Nepal in Tropical zone India , Bangladesh , Srilanka , Malaya , Indonesia , Thailand , Myanmar , west Africa , Adman Island , Nepal , Zaire . Zaire  is the largest producer and exporter of the drug to Europe .

It is a tropical and sub-tropical and can survive well in humid tropical areas . It requires deep fertile soils which is rich in organic matters . It can grows well in sandy loam , alluvial loam to clayey – loam soils .It is a small evergreen perennial glabrous  shrub , about 60-90 cm high , unbranched or branched plant . It grows upto an elevation 1000- 1200m at temperature between 10⁰C - 40⁰CIts root is about 4-12 cm long , 0.2-2 cm thick  , gray with longitudinal and transverse striations .Its leaves are simple , opposite , whorled , 4-10 com long and 5-6 cm broad , ex- stipulate , tapering at the end , upper surface shining ( bright green ) and smooth while lower surface is pale green . Peduncle deep red , around 1.5 cm long , in small clusters or corymbs .Its fruit is small round, drupe- like , 1- seeded , purplish or blackish when fully ripe . seed are very small often with a crown of long silly hairs .

Rauvolfia is the most important one regarding its medicinal values and was known in India , Germany , Indonesia and Nepal from very ancient times ( more than 4000 years ). In different species of Rauvolfia  50-60 alkaloids have been found and about 30 alkaloid have been isolated from Raulvofia  serpentina . The root contains Ophioxylin ¡®coloured crystalline principle resin , starch and wax etc. The most important alkaloids found in this plant are Reserpine , Reserpinine , Ajmaline , Sarajmaline , Ajmalicine , Serpentinine , Serpentine , Rescinnamine , Deserpidine and 3- epiyohimbine. The total alkaloid ranges from 0.8 to 3.0% . Its  root bark contains upto 9.7% total alkaloids with 3.0% ajmaline and 0.90% reserpine. Rauvolfia is commercially important and used for isolation of therapeutically important indole alkaloids. It is a tonic and febrifuge . The juice of the leaves is used for removal of opacities of the corners of the eyes. The roots are used mainly in the treatment of  mental disorders, Hypertension and mania . The alkaloid ajmaline is used as antiarrthymic agent . The alkaloids reserpine and reserpidine are used for lowering blood pressure. In this case of insomnia and nervous breakdown , it is given as sedative. The decoction of roots is used to increase uterine contractions in labours. It is also used for treatment of snake –bite , insect stings , intractable skin , epilepsy and dysentery and diarrhoea.