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[Monthly topic] Environment and business

by Diana Gamazova | 17-03-2021 14:47

Environment + business = ?
What I can observe in my country is that any business system interacts with the environment to some extent. At the same time, the interaction can be both positive and negative. The second, unfortunately, is more common. Therefore, any business unit needs to formulate certain principles of relations with the environment, an integral part of which should be environmental aspects.
Certain influence on this system of relations is exerted by the state bodies that exercise supervision and control in the field of environmental protection, as well as by public organizations that have recently increased their activity. However, it is often necessary to face situations where the activities of public organizations are not aimed at solving the problems of environmental protection and prevention of environmental offenses, but for completely different purposes — for example, to receive financial assistance from large corporations or participate in a competitive struggle between natural resource users to discredit one or another of their activities or products.
It should also be noted the low professional level of environmental management, due not only to legislative and economic reasons (primarily low environmental awareness of society), but in some cases, and the fear of middle managers to lose their jobs due to accusations of disloyal attitude to the company.
At the same time, the poor quality of environmental management exposes the company to a great risk: this disadvantage can be exploited by competing companies, government agencies and public organizations, which will entail large losses, and possibly complete termination of economic activity.
As an example, let's take a city map that shows the degree of pollution in certain areas. On the one hand, such information signals negative environmental processes occurring in any area, on the other-it plays the role of a factor determining the price of real estate.
The environmental component of a business system is a combination of the following factors: the availability of natural resources for production, environmental obstacles for business, environmental requirements for the company's products, and the forms of the company's impact on the environment in the process of producing products or providing services.
Ways to implement environmental management
In order to ensure high-quality management in the field of ecology, it is necessary to define a strategy for business interaction with the environment in strict compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation. The most optimal approach here is to interact with the ecosystem within its dynamic changes and take them into account in the development of the business system. When drawing up business projects, a detailed landscape and ecosystem expertise is required, reflecting the dynamics of both the project itself and the part of the geosystem that it will affect.
Management can be carried out by:
a specialist in the field of ecology;
departments or structural divisions responsible for environmental safety;
with the help of outsourcing.
The manager in the field of ecology should closely interact not only with state control and supervision bodies, research institutes and their divisions, public environmental organizations, but also with the media in order to form a positive attitude to the company's activities in the field of ecology. At the same time, it is advisable to conduct problem seminars both on the activities of the enterprise itself and on the use of innovations in this area. It is also necessary to create innovation and project groups to solve problems that arise in the field of ecology.
Environmental management should include the development of projects with minimal impact on the environment and taking into account its dynamics, as well as strategic plans for the prevention and elimination of possible emergencies. At the same time, it is necessary to use the risk management methodology and insurance protection.
Thus, an integrated environmental management system should be created at the enterprise, interacting with various external organizations and allowing not only to reduce the impact on the environment during normal business activities, but also to minimize the risk of accidents and possible damage from them.
Such a system can be created not only by large industrial enterprises, but also by companies representing medium and small businesses — with the help of outsourcing.
Environmental safety and environmental monitoring are venture activities, therefore, it is necessary to constantly develop the environmental management systems created at your enterprise, for example, the use of EMS technologies.
Ecology as an economic component in business systems is still perceived more as a forced cost. However, the favorable state of the natural environment is not only an indicator of a positive social situation in the region, but also an asset for business development.
Basically, all nature protection measures are aimed at regulating the impact on natural systems. These include, for example, regulatory setting, licensing, certification, standardization, environmental audit, environmental pollution charges, environmental pollution taxes, and environmental insurance.
Methods for using the properties of the system itself and its buffer properties, the possibility of their expansion, as well as the dynamics of the geosystem require development. The management system should be comprehensive — a one-sided approach is unacceptable here.
It is necessary to study in detail all cases of public tension related to the impact on the environment and develop a set of measures aimed at reducing it. This requires a clear three-way control on the part of government agencies, nature users and the public. Only the interaction of all parties will allow us to develop the most effective measures for the use of natural resources and the preservation of a favorable natural environment.