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Living In a Green Office Space

by Paisley Hansen | 10-03-2021 05:34

Protecting the environment is vital for the health of this generation and the ones to come. You can do your part to help the planet by making changes in your facility. Adapting a green lifestyle in your office can save you money in the long run while making your company a more pleasant place to be. Here are a few ways to live within your green space at work.

Add Greenery To the Office

One way to make your facility a green space is to add plants to it. They will soften the look of the area as well as give it a homey feel. They also produce oxygen which can help the air quality in your office. Be careful when you are adding foliage to the room. If it seems a little overdone and resembles a forest, take a few home for the time being. You can also encourage your employees to bring one with them to keep at their desks to liven things up. This gives them a type of mascot that they can look forward to seeing every day and taking care of while they are at work.

Limit the Amount of Physical Paper Used

When given the chance, ask for documentation to be sent electronically instead of by a physical copy printed on paper. This should include invoices, estimates, insurance quotes, and statements. This frees up space in your office as well as helps the environment. If you do need to purchase reams for your business, look for ones that are produced with recycled materials. These might cost a bit more. However, they do reduce the number of trees that are cut down each year. Set up a bin in your facility for your staff to toss out forms and other items that can be recycled.

Control Energy Costs With Your HVAC

Using too much energy to heat or cool your building draws from natural resources and harms the environment. You can limit the amount of money that you spend on utility costs as well as help the planet by setting your thermostat a few degrees cooler in the winter and a couple warmer in the summer. If the facility is empty, adjust it even further to give your HVAC system a rest. When the weather is hot, it should be set in the upper seventies. If cold, it should be in the upper sixties. Schedule an appointment to have your equipment maintained and repaired regularly. This will also lessen the amount of energy out use, which will benefit the world around you.

Find Other Areas Of Your Company That Can Affect Your Energy Usage

If your budget will allow, install motion sensor controlled switches in each room. If  it feels that the area is empty, it will cut the light in that space which will lower your utility bill over time. Train your staff to shut the lights off when they leave a room if they are the only person in there. Many sections of your facility can remain dark for long periods of time. Consider changing the bulbs in your business to LED, which use less energy to operate and have a longer life. Research equipment, such as computers and copiers, that have power saving features and are able to shut themselves down after sitting idle for a long time. The more methods that you implement to reduce the energy, the less resources that are used from the environment.

Saving Water In Your Office

Evaluate if you should swap out the toilets in your facility with ones that use less water each time that you flush. You can also consider changing your faucets as well with ones that are motioned controlled. This will prevent your employees from letting them run for more time than they need to wash their hands or from forgetting to turn them off when they leave. Maintain the plumbing in your restrooms regularly and act quickly if there is a leak or drip. Research means for your staff to dry their hands other than paper towels. While hand dryers will use a little electricity, they prevent the waste left by the towels which will end in the landfill. Like the material in your office, it will mean fewer trees being chopped down. The responsibility to keep the planet safe belongs to everyone. This includes you and your staff during your workday. Installing energy saving equipment, monitoring the temperature and water usage, and cutting down on paper you utilize per day can save you money while protecting the environment.