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4 Healthy and Eco-Friendly Activities To Enjoy Year-Round

by Carol Evenson | 26-02-2021 08:01

Getting healthy is a complex process. Despite that, you don't have to make it difficult. There are so many ways to increase your own wellness while also supporting a healthy environment. The next time you are looking for something to do, consider giving one of these eco-friendly health-boosting activities a try.

1. Hit the Water

You already know that physical activity is important for your overall health. However, you may automatically assume that means exercising at a gym. Instead, head to a local body of water to reap the amazing benefits of outdoor aquatic exercises.  There is little evidence to support the idea that cramping (which is also one of the rare Thrive side effects) will occur if you hit the water right after a meal, so pack a picnic and make a day of it.

Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular activity and it also helps build muscle. However, it isn't the only thing you can do in the water. Stand up paddleboarding is an amazing core workout and will boost cardiovascular fitness. Kayaking or other rowing sports build upper body strength and burn an astonishing number of calories.

2.  Hold a Yard Sale

A yard sale may not seem like a great way to boost your health, but it is a great way to clear out excess clutter. And, when you think of the negative effects of clutter on human health, it makes sense. It directly contributes to reduced productivity and can lead to irritability or lower moods. The effects go beyond mental health, however. Clutter can contribute to excessive and disordered eating by creating a sense of chaos. it also traps dust and allergens, which can contribute to increased rates of allergies and respiratory illnesses.

One other great thing about yard sales is that they help keep unwanted or unused household items out of the landfill by giving them new life with someone else. One man's trash is another's treasure, after all. If you don't want to go through the hassle of holding a yard sale, or if your neighborhood doesn't allow them, you can still declutter. Donate your items to a local charity that can use or resell them.

3. Plant a Garden

Gardening is a fantastic way to get healthier and improve the environment. For starters, it encourages you to spend time outside where you can take advantage of the healing power of nature. It is linked to faster healing from illnesses and injuries, improved moods, lower stress and anxiety levels, and stronger immune response. Try your hand at a few of these gardening activities that are good for you and the environment:

  • Start a compost pile to turn food scraps and yard waste into valuable fertilizer

  • Plant vegetables to reduce the distance your food travels from field to table and develop healthy eating habits

  • Use native plants to create low-maintenance landscaping

  • Develop a backyard habitat to encourage and support wildlife

  • Set up a small hoop house or indoor growing station to extend the season 

4. Go Hiking

Hiking is one of the most accessible outdoor physical activities you can participate in. Trails range from meandering, paved walkways to strenuous mountain passes, so you are bound to find something that fits your ability levels. As you learn more about the trails in your area, you might want to get involved with some local maintenance organizations. Most are all too happy to have volunteers for repairs and cleanup projects. Take your trip even further by packing in some extra gear and turn it into a camping trip. Backcountry camping can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

Whether you choose to hit the lake, head to a trail, get rid of some unwanted stuff or plant a backyard garden, you are taking a step toward a healthier lifestyle and greener planet.