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Composting The Gardening Way

by Makomborero Muzunde | 23-02-2021 03:30

I remember when I was in primary school, behind my grade three classroom there was a huge pile of waste. In mind my little mind I asked my self questions that I could not find answer. Why do people water this pile of waste? Why people put that waste into gardens and our little school orchard. Little did I know that we were being taught composting. Composting is a biological process of decomposing organic waste which can sped up by managing temperature, oxygen and moisture content.

 Covid-19 pandemic and the lock downs have really changed our lifestyles aeound the world. People now spend most of the times in their homes so many people have started to practice backyard gardening. Many people are now growing vegetables for their household consumption, rather than buying from the vegetable markets. Much grown vegetables around Zimbabwe during this pandemic are garlic, onions, peppers and tomatoes, since the demand for them had increased thus being scarce and expensive. So the knowledge of composting is a necessity especially in this era to help people in their gardening.

 Composting is a process so it needs one to devote for time, energy and materials. With the knowledge I gained in my primary education in Environment science studies, I am able to make a good compost. The compostingbasics, one needs to chop the materials to small sizes around 2 centimetres for rapid composting, mixing equal volumes of carbon rich dry brown and nitrogen-rich green plant materials, and keeping the compost moist. For aeration the pile needs to be turned after three days, and you have to note that a hot pile composts quickly while a cool pile takes much longer. We compost organic materials with exception of bones, meat, manure or human waste. For composting one can consult their local agricultural expert for advice.

 The rich, earthy and sweet smelling humus is beneficial as it reduces the use of manufactured fertilisers. The humus give the same nutrients to plants that is provided by the fertilisers and it is cheaper to produce. Composting helps in the soil pH alteration to the ideal pH level for growing vegetables and most fruit. Furthermore, the soil structure is improved when compost is added to enhance nutrient and moisture holding capacity of the soil. At this time when the refuse collectors in Zimbabwe are reluctant, compost is beneficial in managing and recycling organic waste. Composting is the way to do gardening especially in this lockdown period. 

FURTHER READING Earth Easy, Online source,