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Sustainable Living Can Lighten the Landfills

by Carol Evenson | 18-02-2021 16:33

Humans' only home is the Earth, so its environment's well-being is a significant concern planet-wide. If everyone does their part in living even partially sustainable, it'll make a massive difference in the amount of waste packed into landfills, positively transforming the environment.

Go Digital

You may want hard copies of some things, like your favorite movie or a collectible comic book. However, there are many opportunities to go digital with magazine subscriptions, newspaper subscriptions, books, music, movies and video games. Even images and videos from something like a fleet dash cam or surveillance system are now mostly digital and stored online. Therefore, no more piles of videotapes or clunky video recorders that are destined for the landfill, taking up valuable space in your office.

Save Trees

Every year, billions of pieces of junk mail are sent to households all over the country. Many, if not most, of these mailings, are immediately thrown in the trash. Try to recycle as much of this as possible, but various free services will opt you out of catalogs, credit card offers and other unsolicited mail.

When you do online banking and bill pay, you can opt for online statements only, reducing the amount of paper mail you receive. Your documents will be online, and you can save them to your computer. If you absolutely need a hard copy of a document, you can print it.

Avoid Single-Use Items

Try to avoid single-use items whenever possible. Some commonly used items are paper towels, paper plates, plastic cutlery, plastic bags, and plastic straws. It's easy to replace all of these items with reusable ones without hindering your daily life. Use reusable shopping bags whenever possible. Always keep several in your car, so you'll have them close at hand for that unexpected shopping trip. Also, use a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles.

Switch to LED

Switch as many of your traditional light bulbs as possible to LED. They last much longer than conventional bulbs (which lowers the amount of waste from throwing away bulbs as often), and they use far less energy, producing fewer carbon emissions. Additionally, LED bulbs are of better quality and more durable than traditional and CFL bulbs. To be even more efficient, use as much natural sunlight as you can throughout the day by opening blinds, skylights, etc.

Adopt a Natural Sleep Schedule

People who adhere to a natural sleep schedule are typically healthier, getting more sleep, experiencing less insomnia by going by your body's natural inclinations. It can also lessen the amount of power you'll need to use for lighting your home since you'll be sleeping when it's dark.

Share and Borrow

Sharing various things with friends and borrowing items from them can be fun and very sustainable. You're all saving money and keeping more products from eventually going to the landfill. Magazines, newspapers, books, games and movies are easy to trade between several friends. You can also borrow many of these items from your local library. If there's something you're only going to need once or twice (e.g., an electric drill), borrow it from a friend or rent it.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

When you reduce your need to buy new, you'll accumulate less waste for the landfill. There are many items you can buy used that are just as good as new and much less expensive. By reusing them after someone else has finished with them, you're keeping them out of the landfill. You can also be creative and repurpose many items. Whatever you can't reuse, try selling or donating it. If it's no longer usable but recyclable, recycle it.

Adopting a sustainable lifestyle isn't difficult but will require some thought and planning. It's worth a little work to produce a healthier Earth, though.