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by Amama Ira Amalia Priyono | 19-02-2021 01:27



Reported by: Amama Ira Amalia Priyono


The Covid-19 outbreak that occurred in Indonesia will be exactly one year old in March 2021. With the epidemic that never ends, surely the new normal efforts launched by the government will continue until an indefinite time limit. Policies such as Work from Home (WFH) / Study from Home, prohibitions for crowds, checking the body temperature of visitors in many public places, providing a hand sanitizer or hand washing sink for visitors, and the obligation to wear a mask when leaving the house which is currently the lifestyle of the community.

The use of masks every day, especially disposable masks, has an impact on environmental pollution. The large number of people who carry out mobility outside the home and are obliged to wear masks, as well as the pandemic period which has been almost a year, can be ascertained that this single-use waste is very large. So, where is the disposable mask waste so far?

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is still reviewing proposals for disposable mask waste to be recycled into other products. The reason is, this is done as a form of effort to manage medical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical waste handling COVID-19, including masks, is included in the infectious category. Usually, this waste is destroyed using an incinerator. Based on data from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), starting from the first 6 months of the corona pandemic from March-September 2020, the amount of medical waste in the form of PPE and masks was recorded at 1,662.75 tons. This number does not include the months after.

Do not stop there, people are also asked to change their habits in disposing of medical waste, such as masks that are often used daily. This medical waste problem will be very dangerous if left alone without special treatment. Not only can it cause contamination of the surrounding environment, but also have the potential to become a source of other dangerous diseases Management of mask waste from the general public is regulated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, namely:

- Collecting used masks in a different container from other trash.

Disinfection of the mask. You can soak or spray the mask using disinfectant, chlorine or bleach which can be obtained easily in the market.

- Changing the shape of the mask, by tearing or cutting the mask and breaking the strap.

- Masks are disposed of in the domestic trash after being tightly wrapped.

- Don't forget to wash your hands after managing the mask waste.