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Rhizobium inoculation

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 17-02-2021 00:31

Rhizobium are beneficial bacteria which help in fixation of nitrogen in atmosphere. Rhizobia enter the root hair and rapidly multiply within roots and plant roots will form nodules. Inoculation is a process of introducing rhizobium bacteria to soil for successful nodulation process. Rhizobium inoculant are available in different forms such as powder inoculants, liquid inoculants, granular inoculants. 

Process of rhizobium inoculation
Prepare a 10% sugar medium by dissolving 50gm sugar per litre water and solution should be heated.
Cool this sugar medium for few time. 
Mix the sugar medium with rhizobium inoculants (0.5-1.5kg/ha)
Seed and inoculated sugar medium should be mixed together.
Inoculant will stick on surface of seeds due to sticky substance.
Spread this inoculated seed on shady places.
Now seed are ready for sowing.

Nodulation of grain legumes increases due to increase in rhizobia activity.
Nitrogen fixation will be enhanced.
Soil fertility will be improved.
Yield of crop will be increased.
Protein content of biological product will be increased.

Rhizobium inoculation is simple and effective techniques to fix nitrogen easily.