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Ecumenical environmental difficulties of our time

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 15-02-2021 00:35

Ecumenical environmental difficulties of our time
 It is not the first origin that a society has consistently lived with long-term and unrelated trepidation of environmental disasters.  Cutting through forests, smearing the ocean, decomposing the ozone layer - these phrases we have heard in our lives hundreds, (and) not even thousands of times.  But where is the realistic threat hidden, and where is incessant speculation.  Spread out figuring out what environmental challenges are transmitting tensions for us and our descendants.  Man interacted and influenced his environment from the very factor of origin of his species.  However, this influence reached a seriously noticeable scale only in the eighteenth century, with the founding of the industrial revolution.  At this point, man exhausted himself from the easy circuit of intense nature and began to impose personal rules on the planet.
 Grounds to change, however, we noticed this far away at once - our culture was carried on borrowed by other things: extraction of combustible (coal, gas, shale, oil), alloy and other useful minerals.  All these substances, excreted naturally by nature and culled by man, returned to nature, but in some form.  This turned into a universal contamination of soil, water and air and became the root cause of the environmental crisis.  And the intensity of this move continues to grow at a catastrophic pace, and the serious consequences of the environmental decline for mankind are expected to be eliminated in the shortest future.  The cunning socio-political background of the twentieth century (the split of the universal society and world wars) did not endlessly help humanity to concentrate on environmental problems.  Add the semo of the arms race (Cold War), social divisions within the powers and the incredible haste of scientific and technological progress.  All these moments led to the fact that under the coffin of the twentieth century, mankind happened to settle down, turn around and realize what kind of damage it caused to its home.
 Two-horned environmental problems:
 Global warming is, in fact, an auxiliary process for the presence of a gigantic human population.  Chatting is extremely simple, such a universal advancement of the temperature of our universes thanks to the efforts of an uncle (burning old fuel, for example).  As a result, glaciers melt, the sea level is advanced, the wrong amount of precipitation slips out, and the ocean acidifies.
 These all moves above context do not seem extremely scary.  However, it must be remembered that the Homestead is an infinitely thin and fragile system, in which the links are always united between themselves.  Similar profound interventions destroy this system and lead to unpleasant consequences - to seismic enterprise and the prediction of whole variants of animals.
 The smearing of the universal ocean.  More than fifty percent of our universe (or, to be more precise, 70%) is water.  Titanium is a fundamental factor that develops the climate on Earth: movements generate a steam room, or, in other words, coolness, and the evaporated solvent forms clouds and provokes precipitation.
 Impeccably one hundred million people are found by the ocean, because their livelihoods are cleanly combined with water bodies to consume.  But in fact, the excellent titanium in one way or another hooks the vital activity of anyone among us: rains and other precipitation;  delivery of goods between continents;  fish and other seafood, which we use every day for food.  However, immediately excellent titanium is in seriousness due to long-term man-made accidents (tanker crashes and others), sewage water and industrial waste emissions into titanium.
 Decomposition of the ozone layer.  Oxygen is one of the constituents of the stratosphere (the layer of the atmosphere at the top of 12-50 kilometers), which is one of the varieties of oxygen.  For humans, the authority of ozone is that it blocks the plot of ultraviolet rays, protecting all living things from direct cloudless radiation.  Our discipline only recently learned about the presence of ozone, however, society has destructively affected the ozone discharge for centuries.  As a result, there are gaps in the ozone cover due to a lack of substance.  Between the root causes of this phenomenon:
 International World Program.  Launch of rockets and satellites;
 Air flights for elevations twelve kilometers or more;
 Industrial and household freon emissions.
 In the eighties, society emerged to undertake major measures in order to protect and revive the ozone layer.  Environmental programs have stepped up to start at the state level, and the universal non-trade companies - to exercise plans to protect the ozone layer.  Sadly, similar events, in most cases, deserve endlessly unavailable and sometimes seek good funding.
 Smudging the air.  The most undeniable tension of covering up the atmosphere is the lack of unblemished air, but the only difficult task is to modify the climate of the universes and the further consequences of this process.  Of the main elements that pollute the atmosphere, it is possible to single out:
 Emissions during the efficiency of industrial enterprises;
 Exhaust from cars and other vehicles with an internal combustion engine;
 Radioactive objects;
 Extracts (household and industrial).
 In addition, these factors lead to the breaking of the ozone cover - the problem already mentioned by us, which is fraught with global warming and other climatic transformations on our planet.