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How the Environment Impacts Your Wellbeing

by Jenn Lee | 06-02-2021 06:34

Where you live and the places you frequent can have a huge impact on your overall health. Most people think of their health and wellbeing as a personal project, something that they alone are responsible for. But many don't realize how much of an affect the environment has on your body and your mind.

To be healthy, you need to consistently adopt a practice of moving your body in some form of exercise and eating a mostly healthy, well-rounded diet. But you also have to take into account the toll that the area you live in may be having as well. Your city, your neighborhood, even your office can have a profound effect on how you feel. To live your best life, you need to be aware of your surroundings so that you can take measures to repair any damage and combat any symptoms that may be occurring.

Healthy Food Availability

The access that you have to healthy foods can play a role in your health. If you live in an area where it is difficult, or more expensive, to obtain fresh produce and whole foods, then you may need to do a little extra planning and preparation to keep your diet from relying too heavily on processed foods.

You can help fill in any nutritional gaps by taking a supplement like a red superfood powder to give your body the vitamins it may not receive solely from food. Supplements are an excellent way to support your wellness and feel your best. They are easy to take and come in different forms like powders or capsules to best suit your needs.

Toxin and Pollution Levels

It's not possible to fully escape the various toxins and pollutants that have become common in the world, so you need to learn how to neutralize the effects and cleanse them from your body. Even rural areas have the same problems, even if it's not to such a high degree.

Toxins are present in nearly everything we eat and touch. Chemicals are used to keep food crops free of insects. They are in the ink on the papers you read and the dyes in the clothing you wear. Pollutants from factories, cars, trains and so on are rampant. All of these substances are ingested or absorbed into the human body and can cause havoc. It's vital that you take measures to counteract the exposure to them.

To do this, try to eat organic food that hasn't been treated with toxins. Spend some time walking in the park, away from crowded streets of vehicles. The human body is a wonderful thing and is designed to naturally remove toxins and pollution from the body. The problem is when there are so many. Help your body by limiting exposure and keeping yourself healthy so your organs can function properly and do their jobs.

Stress and Overwork

Another, often overlooked or downplayed factor in wellness is how much stress you are under and how well you can manage it. A stressful workplace where you have too many responsibilities, or are underpaid for the job you do, can cause anxiety, depression, even physical problems like high blood pressure. Learn to find ways to let out the stress so it doesn't build and become a problem. If possible, try to find work that fulfills you without depleting your energy.

Challenges to maintaining your health and wellness are all around, but don't have to determine how you feel. If you know what to watch out for and how to protect yourself, you can take the steps needed to keep yourself in top shape.