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by Aaditya Singh | 08-02-2021 04:45

Environmental Regulations and Infrastructure in my region

Last few months have been very hectic and eventful for me. After spending last 3 years in Austria, I have moved to Canada to join UWC Pearson College to complete my last 2 years of school as a resident student.

My apologies for the delay in my reports. The pre-move formalities, the move itself, quarantine period, adjusting to the new life, the busy schedule and some connectivity issues hampered my postings. I hope to stay connected hereafter.

Through this report, I am introducing to the forum how Canada recognizes the impact of climate change and helps the local population to connect to nature through her environmental regulations and policies. The Government of Canada is committed to protecting and conserving nature. Some visible efforts and tangible outcomes are listed below:


1. Prioritizing Conservation through following means:

a. Expanding the national park system, wildlife reserves and migratory bird sanctuaries

b. Realising innovative conservation models for conserving terrestrial areas, inland waters, coastal and marine areas; in collaboration with indigenous groups and regional authorities. A pilot guardians program enlists members of the community to support stewardship of local environment for future generations. It is relevant to mention here that my school has been the appointed guardian of the local Race Rocks Ecological Reserve since 1997. The biodiversity and unique location at the southern tip of Vancouver Island along the Strait of Juan de Fuca in British Columbia, make it the perfect live classroom for the Marine Science course at the school while at the same time helping with the conservation activity.

c. Collaboration with indigenous local partners, to allocate special attention to the ¡®Last Ice Area¡¯ in the Arctic Ocean, where there is still summer ice.

d. Promoting a relationship with nature through free admission to national parks, marine conservation areas, historic sites and select wildlife reserves, to encourage the public to visit easily.


2. Addressing climate change and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions through following means:

a. Levies on Carbon emissions to encourage new innovations to mitigate emissions.

b. Continuing phasing out the use of coal for generating power and investment in clean-energy research towards switching to green energy options.

c. Conserving natural gas as well as reducing methane emissions from oil and gas sector.

d. Introducing electric-vehicle charging stations, and zero emissions vehicles, and promoting a clean-fuels standard towards a sustainable transport system.

e. Framing a new Arctic policy relying on efficient renewable energy to wean away from diesel generated power.

f. Focused investment in green infrastructure, promoting green technology and innovations to seek solutions to environmental challenges


3. Progress in improvement in all aspects of environmental quality by following means:

a. Improving air quality and addressing air pollution through stringent regulations with respect to air pollutants.

b. Ensuring clean water while conserving water resources, by coastal and ocean protection programs in partnership with indigenous communities, in addition of protection of lakes and fresh water resources.

4. Act as an international pioneer in the role of an environmental conservation leader by:

a. Committing support and investment to help underdeveloped and vulnerable countries to adapt to climate change and switch to low carbon economy.

b. Active involvement in negotiating, launching and implementing global initiatives and climate agreements.


To conclude I would like to use the words of Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada.

¡°A strong economy and healthy environment go hand-in-hand, and we are committed to leaving our children and grandchildren with a more sustainable and prosperous country.¡±

Indeed, Canada is taking relevant action at local and global scale on multiple fronts- be it improving air and water quality or conservation of ecology, from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to promoting innovation in clean technology and building a sustainable circular economy with a targeted effort to combat and adapt to climate change.


Sources and References