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5 Easy Steps to Sustainable Living

by Carol Evenson | 31-01-2021 11:32

Greener living is all about awareness around the food one consumes, the energy one uses and the products one purchases. It encourages healthier choices for both the body and for the planet.

Here are five tips on incorporating sustainability into daily life.

Reduce Waste

Reducing consumption is the most expedient path toward minimizing waste.

It can be as simple as phasing out the collection of plastic utensils and bags in the home, as plastic is one of the world¡¯s most primary pollutants.

Another way to reduce waste is to recycle or compost. Recycling allows old materials to be processed and remanufactured as a different product. It is a great way to cut down on trash that would otherwise go to a landfill.

Composting, on the other hand, allows those uneaten leftovers to be transformed into rich composting soil for the garden.

Buy Eco-Friendly

If consumption is inevitable, try to take stock of the type of product purchased. Is the food wrapped in non-recyclable plastic? Was the makeup made with toxic or hazardous chemicals? Is the shirt durable? Was the gift made locally or on the other side of the world?

Eco-friendly products are simply items that are environmentally friendly, from production through disposal. Anything that is energy or water efficient or created with recycled paper or bio-based materials constitutes as eco-friendly.

They are most easily attained through a shift in shopping sources. For instance, opt for a local boutique instead of the mall, or purchase groceries from an organic produce market rather than the big box store.

From close-to-home produce for people to all-natural food regimens for pets, the options for eco-friendly products are endless. Just one glance at the Nutra Thrive Instagram feed proves that eco-friendly consumption is good for everyone in the household, not just humans.

Save Energy

Saving energy is good for the planet and good on the wallet. There are so many ways to save energy in the home, from installing solar panels and using fluorescent or LED light bulbs, to waterproofing and insulating the structure of the house. Each decision can drastically conserve energy and allow homeowners to spend less on heating and cooling their homes.

Saving energy doesn¡¯t just apply to electricity either. It also extends to water consumption. Consider conserving water by using low-flow faucets and shower heads, limiting laundry loads or irrigating the garden with well water.

Even simple acts like closing the window curtains or blinds, drying laundry outside in the sun and purchasing rechargeable batteries can have a lasting impact on mitigating overall energy usage.

Grow Organically

Gardening is a fun and pleasant path to sustainable living. It is a great way to lower food bills, all while growing delicious organic produce.

There is a pride that comes from tilling the soil, planting the seeds and witnessing the rewards of the labor that comes from growing a garden. Plus, the fruits, vegetables and herbs from a backyard garden often have much more nutrients and flavor than the chemically grown produce at the supermarket.

If gardening is impossible due to physical strain or non-conducive climate, invest in a crop share through a local farmer. This limits grocery store runs and ensures money goes directly to the people growing the food.

Move Mindfully

The last step toward a greener lifestyle involves many more literal steps in the form of physical activity.

Vehicles are one of the greatest air pollutants on the planet. If there is an opportunity to choose a different form of transport rather than the car, take it. It won¡¯t just limit emissions and save money on gas, it can also lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.

Other mindful commute options include walking, biking, carpooling and taking public transportation. If driving is absolutely necessary, perhaps try to run two errands instead of one or even make plans to purchase an electric or hybrid car.

In the end, a sustainable lifestyle means adopting practices that promote the health of both people and the planet. Simple changes such as the above have the capacity to make a long-term impact not only on the world but on one¡¯s own happiness and wealth.