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Why Your Company's Carbon Footprint Matters

by Carol Evenson | 24-01-2021 04:27

If you run a business today, then it is more competitive than ever before. There are various strategies you need to execute at any given time. From hiring the right people, to improving your sales, to innovating your product, it is a big task. However, one thing that you cannot overlook either is your carbon footprint. There are various reasons why it is a critical part of your outlook:

Recruiting and Hiring

Young workers today are different than those in the past. They are not as swayed by simply compensation or vacation packages. Today, they want a lot more. One of the things that are important to younger employees entering the workforce is the company culture.

Culture is essential. They want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. With jobs requiring more work, more hours, and more time off the clock just to get paid less compared to their older counterparts (when cost of living is adjusted for), it makes sense that you need to give them a reason to be excited.

So, if you want to bring the best into your company who can help you get more profits, you need a compelling mission. Being more eco friendly than the competition is one way to do that. It also means they will be proud to boast about it online. This gives your brand a better image and a sense of pride.

Lower Energy Costs

The amount of energy it takes to run a modern business is getting out of control. If you don't keep your expenses in check with things like ppa solar, they could end up running you out of business altogether. After all, you could be bringing in all the money in the world through your revenue, but if it does not equal more than your costs, you won't be able to grow.

There are various areas in which you can lower your energy. One of these is your office appliances. The other is manufacturing. Your carbon footprint obviously matters for pollution reasons. However, it is one key way to lower your costs as well. And this is something that should be on every business' mind every day.

Higher Customer Satisfaction and Reputation Ratings

Customers today want to do business with companies that stand for something. If they feel you are better for the environment than your competition, this could be a compelling reason for them to offer you their hard earned dollars. It won't win you every customer, but it will keep you from getting eliminated when they are comparing which company represents their values the most.

Doing the Right Thing

All of the above reasons are viable for improving your carbon footprint. However, when it comes down to it, there is one basic reason that it is a good idea. Doing the right thing is an idea that has been lost on a lot of companies. However, when you have integrity and focus on the things that you truly want out of your life, you are much more likely to get ahead and find resources that are freed up because of your choices.


When it comes to running a company that will stand above the competition, you need to use the best methods that have been proven to work well. You cannot simply wing it and expect to rise above in today's climate. So don't just make sure your sales, marketing, and technology stacks are up to date. Make sure you are also using energy efficient methods to save money and save face publicly. You can use tools such as a nonprofit chart of accounts to help you with budgeting so your company can make plans to help the environment.