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5 Ways To Help the Environment From Your Home

by Carol Evenson | 22-01-2021 02:29

With scientists warning of an imminent global climate crisis, it is more important than ever for everyone to do their part to help the environment. These are five things you can do in your daily life, without even leaving your home, to save the planet.

1. Eat More Plants

Pound for pound, the production of beef puts more than 30 times the amount of pollution into the environment than the production of plant-based foods, such as beans and lentils. Additionally, plant-based foods require less water and emit fewer greenhouse gases. If the idea of completely giving up meat seems impossible, you can still do some good by simply reducing the amount of meat you consume. Try out a meatless Monday. Experiment with some plant-based recipes you saved but never got around to making. As a bonus, your health will likely benefit as well. If you're trying to lose weight, consider supplementing your new healthier diet with the Thrive experience.

2. Waste Less Food

One of the best ways to avoid food waste is to create a meal plan and then make a grocery list based on that meal plan before you go to the grocery store. Tools such as Meal Prep Mate can help you figure out how to get the most out of the ingredients you buy so that they are less likely to spoil or sit around in your pantry unused. You can also reduce waste by storing your food properly. Put most of your produce in sealed packages and refrigerate it to prolong its shelf life. Keep your most perishable food items in the coldest part of your fridge. Put non-perishable food in a cool, dry storage area. Take expiration dates with a grain of salt. Most dates are intended for grocery stores and don't indicate how safe something is to eat. However, throw out anything smelly, moldy, slimy or sticky.

3. Make Your Online Shopping More Green

You can reduce the carbon footprint of your online shopping by combining small purchases so that sellers can bring it all to you in one trip. This practice reduces the emissions from transporting your items and the amount of packaging used. If you're having food delivered, tell the restaurants to omit the plastic cutlery, disposable napkins and single-use straws. Wash the takeout containers and use them for food storage. Make an effort to shop with retailers that use green shipping methods, such as using recycled packing materials.

4. Improve Indoor Air Quality

Regularly vacuuming your home will reduce the dust, dander and harmful chemicals in your indoor air. Regularly clean and replace the air filter in your furnace and consider upgrading to an air purifier. Open your windows to increase air circulation and lower the number of pollutants in your home.

5. Reduce Your Energy Use

Replace your incandescent and fluorescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. Install a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature so that you are running your heat and air conditioning less when you are sleeping or not at home. Turn off lights when you aren't using them. Unplug any electronics that are not in use. Replace older appliances with energy-efficient models. Install low-flow toilets and showerheads. Don't run the water in your sink when you aren't using it. Shut the faucet off while you are soaping up your hands or dishes or brushing your teeth.

There are many small ways that you can improve the impact you have on the environment in your day-to-day life. Try these five things you can do from your home and look for other ways you can green up your day.